DECEMBER 3, 2021
Parlor Meeting with Josh Weston | New York, NY
You are invited to an in-person parlor meeting hosted by
America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) Board Member Josh Weston
AIFL focuses on strengthening the relationship between the people of the two countries
by increasing understanding of and appreciation for our common democratic foundations.
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Also, please view this short highlights clip from AIFL’s recent and exciting diverse webinar activities:
Wednesday, December 3, 2021, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
1 Manhattan West Ave, New York, NY
Josh Weston, Executive Committee and AIFL Board Member
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer, AIFL
Bashar Masri, Founder of Rawabi City
Bashar Masri is the visionary behind Rawabi, the first Palestinian planned city. The success of Rawabi is a catalyst and inspiration for many bold initiatives, bringing opportunity and progress to the Palestinian economy.
Mr. Masri launched the first private equity fund dedicated to investment in businesses operating in the Palestinian territories. Benefitting from the Siraj I Fund, dozens of Palestinian enterprises have exhibited strong growth trends and continue to create new employment opportunities for Palestinians.
Limited capacity; must be fully vaccinated and provide verification of vaccination and ID Card.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar
347-791-6674 or
There will be a short video as well as time for mingling at the start and end of the event.
We look forward to seeing you all virtually on December 3.
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