AIFL’s 2023 Evening of Friendship and Solidarity Journal | VISIT
What’s Happening?

Israeli Next Gen Empowerment
Please join us for a conversation with Dr. Yossi Vardi and Barak Avraham, Founder and CEO of the Israeli Youth Movement, Together- Anya Benya. We will learn more about how this organization has given young people across Israel equitable opportunities for growth, positive engagement, support to become self-reliant and confidence in their skills. Together-Anya Benya sees their program participants as the future generation that will lead Israeli society towards inclusivity and empowerment especially in the aftermath of the current War.
Tune in to discover why and how:
Barak Avraham decided to establish this organization based on his own life story as an Ethiopian youth;
Two Youth Guides became part of this organization and what they hope to achieve; and
Inclusivity and equality support is key to a stronger society, even during periods of national crisis.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Barak Avraham
Founder & CEO
Together Youth Movement
Youth Guide
Together Youth Movement
Youth Guide
Together Youth Movement
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 28 @ 12:00 EST

Unit 669 – To the Rescue
Unit 669 is the Combat Rescue and Evacuation Unit of the Israeli Air Force and one of the four elite units of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Today, Unit 669 is responsible for the rescue and evacuation not only of all distressed military personnel, but also of all Israeli citizens in need, wherever they may be and wherever they reside.
Join AIFL to learn more about Unit 669’s current actions during the War in Gaza during a discussion with AFU669’s Executive Vice President, Bar Reuven, and one of the Unit’s Combat Paramedics, who was a first responder on October 7. Learn more about how Unit 669 has adapted during this war to continue their original mission while also expanding their mission, and maintaining a semblance of balance as life continues forward. We will have a conversation about:
• Israel’s only National Security Rescue Service and their enhanced mission response;
• How soldiers try to balance war and duty with everyday life; and
• How you can support the good work of “Tikkun Olam”
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Bar Reuven
Entrepreneur, Officer, Co-founder of Unit 669 alumni organization & American Friends of Unit 669
Combat Paramedic
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 21 @ 12:00 EST

Honoring King – Revisiting The Dream
Join us as we revisit an expansive conversation about the history of Black-Jewish relations in America that underscores the importance of examining the state of that relationship today. Our accomplished panel includes Black and Jewish community leaders with a diverse set of personal and professional experiences serving as stewards of this relationship across both communities.
Along with the vision of the Black Lives Matter movement, many Jews have taken active, supporting roles the contemporary struggle for racial justice. The work of such allies has, in many ways, extended the impact of Reverend King, Jr. and Rabbi Hershel’s visionary leadership. Yet, strains within the inter-community relationship persist, with the antisemitic and racist biases that linger on the fringes of each community having, at times, complicated ties by permeating more mainstream settings. Join us for a provocative, forward-looking discussion to examine this and related matters, beginning with the following questions:
- What will it take for the two communities to overcome the divides, and for cooperation to overcome conflict?
- How do voices of compassion and mutual respect rise above the prevailing din of acrimony, misunderstanding and distrust?
- What will the relationship look like in the future?
We will close with a recent music video written by Ben Ronen and Tamar Samet (z”l) called, Eich Sarafti Gesher (“How I Burned a Bridge”).
Streamed as a replay, the program will feature:
Rabbi Peter Berg
Senior Rabbi
The Temple
Dr. Ruth Pauline Plummer
CEO/ Founder
Covenant Daughters International
Olamide Fagbamiye
Covenant Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fellow
at Morehouse College
Greetings by:
Anat Sultan-Dadon
Consul General of Israel to the Southeast United States
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 14 @ 12:00 EST

Gesher: Building Bridges in Troubling Times
Gesher is building a cohesive society in Israel and across the Jewish world using dialogue, interaction and leadership. Since the 7th of October, Gesher has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives to solidify and further legitimize Israel’s International support as well as efforts to support the over 150,000 evacuees from the South and the North.
In particular, Gesher has harnessed their experience and professional team in several ways during this time of crisis. Please join us to learn from their team:
How Gesher was quickly able to assemble and lead delegations of family members of those taken hostage, or killed, to important capitals around the world to keep this issue at the forefront of the world’s attention;
How Gesher quickly leveraged their professional facilitators to set up an informal education system for thousands of youth evacuated from the South to Central Israel as well as setting up a new 3 Day “Mini-Camp”; and
How Gesher is partnering with their pool of Leadership Fellows to create national initiatives including building and training a network of 2,000 high school students for Hasbara efforts.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
J.J. Sussman
International Director
Shira Sherez-Zik
Gesher Leadership Institute
Noga Shitrit
Director of Gesher’s Summer Camp
HaMachane HaMeshutaf
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 07 @ 12:00 EST

AIFL’s Evening of Friendship & Solidarity Highlights
As we come to the close of 2023, we invite you to join us for some highlights of our annual Partners for Democracy Awards Gala. This year, we repurposed this cherished event to be an Evening of Friendship & Solidarity in light of the October 7 attacks and ensuing war. Listen to the compelling words of hope and recognition of our own leadership, as well as Amb. Michael Herzog, Amb. Dan Gillerman, and a Fireside Chat with Tom Friedman, NY Times Foreign Affairs Columnist and Honoree Yohanan Plesner.
We will also highlight all three of our honorees this year:
• Kenneth J. Bialkin Leadership Award Honoree: Mr. Boaz Levy, President & CEO, Israel Aerospace Industries
• Partners for Democracy Award Honoree: Mr. Bernie Marcus, Chairman, The Marcus Foundation and Co-Founder, The Home Depot
• Partners for Democracy Award Honoree: Mr. Yohanan Plesner, President, Israel Democracy Institute
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 27 @ 12:00 EST

A Season of Lights, Hopes and Perseverance Through Art
Join us for a contemporary art tour with Gabriela Vainsencher. Gabriela will introduce us to three artists: Barkley Hendricks, Ugo Rondinone, and Vivian Suter. We will delve into their individual motivations fueling their creativity and learn how each artist finds and illustrates solace, hope and perseverance, within nature, art, and community.
Gabriela will highlight:
• Barkley Hendricks’ embrace of his community with classical art techniques from the Old Masters;
• Ugo Rondinone’s sculptures honoring primordial nature in a modern way; and
• Vivian Suter’s acceptance and recognition of the beauty that co-exists in the chaos of life; well defined in her jungle home/studio.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 20 @ 12:00 EST

Inside the Women’s War Room
The women of Israel are mobilizing with an incredible grassroots effort to provide emergency assistance. Join us as we learn more about Bonot Alternativa, an Israeli organization that was founded to protect women’s rights and has grown to organize protests of over 100,000 women across 80 cities in Israel. Volunteers are being organized to provide clothing, food and shelter for displaced families. Trauma therapy is offered for the youth of Israel and the ever-innovative Israelis are building apps to keep people connected to essential services.
We will hear from Moran Katzenstein, founder of Bonot Alternativa, and Lee Hoffman Agiv, Field Operations Manager, to learn more about how they have pivoted since the war in a manner that is consistent with their original fight for women’s rights. In addition, they will share their recent encounters with the United Nations and new obstacles to overcome the burdens war placed on women locally, nationally and globally.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 06 @ 12:00 EST

On the Border- Israel’s Pioneering Communities
This program is both a homage to and informational tour about the bravery and spirit of the people and communities that comprise the “Gaza Envelope.” Join us as we learn more about the history and challenges of the modern-day pioneers of this region.
Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig will provide a unique visit to highlight:
• Establishment of the Kibbutzim, villages and towns bordering with Gaza;
• Nature and agriculture of the Israeli lands around Gaza;
• Scientists, artists, and industries in the area;
• The seedlings of eco-peace tourism in a dangerous warzone; and
• The larger towns of Sederot and Netivot
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 21 @ 12:00 EST

Navigating Higher Education – Challenging academic leadership
We are pleased to share the perspective of educational leaders and activists promoting ties to different universities. These panelists have deep knowledge of the importance of ties to American and European academic institutions. Since October 7, new challenges have emerged on numerous campuses requiring fresh short- and long-term thinking.
Panelists for this seminar will provide:
- An overview of the current issues that are arising in American and European academic institutes with regards to the war in Israel;
- A perspective on how Science Abroad is addressing these challenges; and
- Varying voices from both the American and Israeli Academia sectors.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Prof. Rivka Carmi
Chairwoman of the Executive Board of ScienceAbroad
Nadav Douani
CEO of ScienceAbroad
Dr. Chen Pundak
Regional Manager
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 19 @ 12:00 EST

Can 1+1 = 3 during war?
At this moment in the war, when many are feeling hopeless, anxious and overwhelmed, we share the perspective of two friends in the United States, one Jewish and one Palestinian. This conversation between two people with deep personal and professional ties to the Middle East region is meant to explore difficult topics of today, as well as for the future. We invite our audience to participate in this conversation between Harley Lippman and Gaith Al-Omari, introduced by AIFL Board Member, Dr. David Milch. Our intention with this important session is to model the kind of civil conversation that can help inform and educate instead of divide and polarize.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 16 @ 12:00 EST

Gesher: Building Bridges in Troubling Times
Gesher is building a cohesive society in Israel and across the Jewish world using dialogue, interaction and leadership. Since the 7th of October, Gesher has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives to solidify and further legitimize Israel’s International support as well as efforts to support the over 150,000 evacuees from the South and the North.
In particular, Gesher has harnessed their experience and professional team in several ways during this time of crisis. Please join us to learn from their team:
How Gesher was quickly able to assemble and lead delegations of family members of those taken hostage, or killed, to important capitals around the world to keep this issue at the forefront of the world’s attention;
How Gesher quickly leveraged their professional facilitators to set up an informal education system for thousands of youth evacuated from the South to Central Israel; and
How Gesher is partnering with their pool of Leadership Fellows to create national initiatives including building and training a network of 2,000 high school students for Hasbara efforts.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
J.J. Sussman
International Director
Shira Sherez-Zik
Gesher Leadership Institute
Shlomit Mali
Director of AM”I
National Alliance Strengthening Israelis’ Connection to World Jewry
Noga Shitrit
Director of Gesher’s Summer Camp
HaMachane HaMeshutaf
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 12 @ 12:00 EST

AID ISRAEL: Support. Speak. Write. Share. Donate Today.
Over the past four weeks, the outpouring of volunteerism in Israel has been truly remarkable. Never before, have we witnessed such a strong sense of unity within the country, as people come together to support not only our troops but also those directly and indirectly affected by the devastating events of October 7th. AID-Coalition was established to facilitate and empower these initiatives.
AID-Coalition works in partnership with small organizations and initiatives to offer swift and targeted financial assistance whenever it is needed. Given the ever-changing circumstances, quick responses are often essential. AID-Coalition is dedicated to restoring and strengthening the resilience of the Israeli home-front. As an agile and efficient organization, they are well-positioned to provide expedited emergency funding with minimal bureaucratic hurdles. They bridge the immediate gaps to ensure that support is delivered without delay.
All of their team members are volunteers, and every dollar they receive is directed toward their causes. They are present on the ground, ready and able to swiftly process requests and transfer funds. In these uncertain times, their goal, and ours, is to simplify the process and make a difference.
Join us to discover the incredible initiatives and the dedicated individuals behind them.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Tsofim Caravan
A group of 10 singing Tsofim performers arriving in a caravan to offer solace and music to the families.
Brothers and Sisters in Arms
Connecting volunteers to address the immediate needs of farms and agriculture.
Hagal Sheli
Assisting adolescents in coping with and proactively preventing trauma through riding the waves.
Delivering therapy and assistance to the Bedouin and Israeli Arab communities.
Hosen Sderot
Community resilience centers for treating and supporting the community of Sderot.
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 08 @ 12:00 EST

Reimagining Education During War— Athena Fund’s ImagineBox
Join us to learn about the technology and innovation the Athena Fund has long provided, empowering the teachers of Israel. We will explore how they have pivoted their focus, since the start of the war, to assist students, teachers and families by providing laptops, other equipment and training. They have also “reimagined” one of their ImagineBox locations allowing families to access it as a relief center.
Hear firsthand accounts from the Athena Fund Founder and President, Uri Ben-Ari, along with educational and community partners, about how they are expanding and adjusting their mission to fill the needs of today’s students, their families, and teachers during this time of crisis.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 05 @ 12:00 EST

NATAL: Creating an Iron Dome for the Heart of Trauma Survivors
Israel is in mourning following the largest terror attack in its nation’s history on October 7th, resulting in a national trauma that is personal, collective, and will last for generations. In this shared reality, so many Israelis are already experiencing, and will continue to experience, invisible pain and deep trauma, as the war intensifies. In these unprecedented and dire circumstances, NATAL remains steadfast in its mission to provide vital emotional support to help Israelis cope with the trauma and anxiety inflicted by the harrowing events. Our commitment to bolstering national resilience has never been more critical.
NATAL is an apolitical, non-profit organization that offers psychological and emotional treatment, and support to victims of trauma due to war and terror. Since its establishment in 1998, NATAL has provided assistance to individuals in Israel from all sectors of society, irrespective of age, gender or ethnicity. NATAL has had an impact on the lives of over 500,000 people to date through its Helpline, Community Resilience Unit, Clinical Unit, Trauma Studies Centre, and Testimonial Centre.
This is only the beginning. Trauma leaves behind invisible wounds that can last a lifetime. Healing is possible and NATAL is here to help. American Friends of NATAL’s (AFN) mission is to support and strengthen NATAL’s important work, providing vital assistance to Israelis suffering from trauma primarily due to terrorism and war, and ensuring the vital health and well-being of Israel for now and for the future.
Join us as we find out more about how NATAL aspires to create an “Iron Dome for the Heart”.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Emi Palmor
Maayan Aviv
Executive Director
American Friends of Natal
Professor Rivka Tuval-Mashiach
Chief Psychologist, NATAL
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 01 @ 12:00 EST

Navigating International Law In Times Of War
We will learn about the multiple aspects of IHL, including critical topics such as:
* the legal dimensions of counter-terrorism operations, cooperation between nations, and the role of IHL in addressing the challenges of modern security;
* the Laws of Armed Conflict, their implications for military operations, humanitarian concerns, and the global legal framework; and
* the legal nuances surrounding the occupation of territories, a vital element of IHL that significantly impacts the maintenance of peace and security.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Colonel (res.) Adv. Pnina Sharvit Baruch
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 29 @ 12:00 EST

Dr. Yossi Vardi Interviews Maj. General (Ret.) Amos Yadlin
Major General (ret.) Amos Yadlin served as a fighter pilot for 33 years, eventually attaining the position of Deputy Commander of the Israeli Air Force. He then achieved the rank of Major General, serving as the commander of the IDF Military Colleges and the National Defense College, Defense Attaché to the United States, and Chief of the Military Intelligence Directorate.
Join us for a fascinating webinar in which Dr. Yossi Vardi will engage Maj. General Yadlin in a thought-provoking conversation about Israel’s future in the aftermath of Hamas’ deadly attack. Maj. General Yadlin will share valuable insights into the nation’s strategic direction, security concerns, and the path forward.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Major General Amos Yadlin (Ret.)
Opening Remarks:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 25 @ 12:00 EST

Brothers and Sisters for Israel
On October 7th the lives of Israeli citizens were forever changed. During this time, the need for aid was immediate and the group previously known as Brothers in Arms quickly reorganized into the current largest Israeli aid organization: Brothers and Sisters for Israel.
Learn how this 100% civilian and volunteer-based organization is providing essential emergency aid to the people of Israel including:
• Food, water, medical supplies and medical aid;
• Accommodations for displaced families;
• Evacuation assistance to those in war zones; and
• Location of missing individuals
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Brothers and Sisters for Israel
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 22 @ 12:00 EST

Fireside Chat with Dr. Yossi Vardi and IDF Major General Noam Tibon (Ret.)
Join us for an inspirational conversation between Dr. Yossi Vardi and grandfather-turned-hero IDF Major General Noam Tibon (Ret.), whose interview with CBS News 60 minutes aired on October 15th, 2023. During their discussion, we will learn how the retired General and his wife Gali rushed to the aid of their son and his family during Hamas’ deadly incursion of Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
We will hear how the couple recruited others to help, bypassed a checkpoint to continue their mission, and provided aid to both music festival survivors and injured Israeli soldiers along the way.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Major General Noam Tibon (Ret.)
Opening Remarks:
Daniella Rilov
Executive Director, AIFL Israel
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 19 @ 12:00 EST

An AIFL Fireside Chat with Ambassador Dan Gillerman
Please join AIFL Webinar Host, Wayne Firestone, as he facilitates a candid discussion with Ambassador Dan Gillerman, Chairman of AIFL-Israel.
As events have unfolded in Israel over the past few days, many of us have watched with both intensifying concern and increasing sorrow. Ambassador Gillerman will share his perspective on the current situation in Israel followed by a Q&A session. The discussion will include:
• An update on the impact of the war throughout Israeli society;
• An assessment of international reactions to the war; and
• Prospects for a National Unity Government’s success.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ambassador Dan Gillerman
Chairman of AIFL-Israel
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 15 @ 12:00 EST

IDF Special Briefing
These last few days, we have all followed the most recent developments in Israel with deep sadness and ongoing concern. For a more comprehensive update, please join us for a briefing from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Spokespersons Unit.
The briefing will provide context and a better understanding of the current threat and the responsive course of action, followed by a brief Q&A session.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
IDF Spokesperson
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook
Oct 11 @ 12:00 EST

Pomegranate Perfection: From Harvest to Table
We are excited to launch a seasonal Israeli cooking series with the ever-popular Chef Nir Zook! Chef Zook will be showcasing the Israeli superfood staple of the season — pomegranates. Pomegranates are a true gem of the fruit world; their jewel-like seeds and sweet-tart juice make all kinds of sweet and savory recipes sparkle. Join Chef Nir as he enlightens us on the true versatility of this wonderful fruit as we transition from these hot summer days to the cooler autumn season and the holidays.
In addition to learning some fun facts about the mighty pomegranate, we will learn to make a:
• Pomegranate Cocktail
• Pomegranate Salad
• Pomegranate Dessert
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 01 @ 12:00 EST

Itamar Rabinovich: An Ambassador’s Analysis of The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Peace Making and The Crisis In Israel
We invite you to join AIFL for an insightful conversation between Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich and AIFL moderator Wayne Firestone delving into the Ambassador’s perspective on the Israeli-Arab conflict as written in his new book Middle East Maze: Israel, the Arabs, and the Region. The book offers a unique narrative of the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace process by a senior academic historian who has served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States and as a peace negotiator with Syria.
Rabinovich places the Arab-Israeli relationship in the larger context of Middle Eastern regional and international politics. He also examines Iran’s and Turkey’s new roles in the region.
Topics of discussion will include:
• Key moments in Israeli history and Peace-Making efforts;
• The viability of a two-state solution today; and
• Impressions of US policy in the Middle East
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 27 @ 12:00 EST

Service with a Smile—The Elite Unit 669
Israeli Air Force Unit 669 is a combat search and rescue unit considered one of the premier Special Operations services of the IDF. American Friends of Unit 669 is a non-profit organization whose mission is to build the connection and support to help empower the veterans of Unit 669 to maximize their impact on local communities and communities worldwide. Our moderator Wayne Firestone will be joined by members of AFU669 for an action-packed discussion about ongoing rescue missions, humanitarian work and educational programs.
We will learn about:
• Israel’s only national security rescue service;
• AFU669’s humanitarian work; and
• The ways in which AFU669 focuses on promoting Tikkun Olam.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Bar Reuven
Entrepreneur, Officer, Co-founder of Unit 669 alumni organization & American Friends of Unit 669
Dr. R.S. MD
Reserve Medical Doctor and Cardiac Surgeon
Unit 669 Reserve combat soldier
Former combat soldier, Israeli S.W.A.T. team
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 13 @ 12:00 EST

Let’s Balance it out Pilates!
Ready to start the fall with a new sense of balance? Join us for a Pilates class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv. This session will focus on techniques to help you to obtain better balance on and off the exercise floor. The exercises featured will help you increase, strengthen and maintain your stability.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves for all levels. Grab a chair, cushion, light ball and if you have one handy, a small bench.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 10 @ 12:00 EST

Life Changes & Art With It
Join us for another contemporary art tour with Gabriela Vainsencher. During this tour we will be introduced to the work of three artists: Kim Dacres, Danielle Orchard and Alison Elizabeth Taylor. We will delve into their individual motivations which fuel their creativity and learn how each artist’s work is influenced by life’s changes.
Gabriela will highlight how:
Kim Dacre transforms tires into 3-dimensional portraits;
Danielle Orchard’s painting style evolved from her early career; and
Alison Elizabeth Taylor uses the age-old technique of marquetry to create dystopian scenes.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 06 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour This Month @Arad – Culture and Development in the Desert
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, for a unique visit to Arad. Shahar will show us the city, located near Masada and the Dead Sea, on the border of the Judean Desert and the Negev Desert, in the Southeastern District of Israel.
Come along on this virtual journey as Shahar shares the history of Arad’s Ulpan World Union of Jewish Studies for English speakers, the new trends of the population and the culture of the city.
We will learn more about:
The Desert Nature: Wadi Kidod and Nachal Tze’elim
Ancient architecture: Tel Arad Temple and the Arad House
Artists’ Quarter and the Arad Festival of Hebrew Music
The neighboring Bedouin people
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 03 @ 12:00 EST

75 Treasures: Celebrating Israel at Seventy-Five
Join us in continuing to celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday as we showcase selections from four collectors who have strived to preserve Israeli memorabilia. We will meet from North America: David Matlow, the owner of the world’s largest private collection of Theodor Herzl memorabilia and Gregg Philipson, of the Gregg and Michelle Philipson Collection and Archive in Austin, TX, who will share items from his extensive collection of Judaica. From Israel, we will take a virtual tour with Hadi Orr at his Israeliana Museum as well as David Sela, Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of “Nostalgia Online – Preservation of the Israeli Heritage”, a large scale, grassroots project, which constitutes the largest online, archival concentration of Israeli history, culture and nostalgic heritage.
Be part of this celebration of Israeli culture as we:
Learn why preservation of nostalgic items is important;
Hear amusing anecdotes from David Sela’s radio show; and
Hear the motivation behind amassing large collections.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
David Matlow
Founder of the Herzl Project
Hadi Orr
Israeliana Collector
Gregg Philipson
The Gregg and Michelle Philipson Collection and Archive
David Sela
Radio and TV Personality
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 30 @ 12:00 EST

“What is the Measure of Man?” at Tel Aviv’s Craft & Design Biennale
Join us for an in-depth survey of the 2nd Biennale of Crafts and Design at MUZA, Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv. “What Is the Measure of Man?” Curator Henrietta Eliezer Brunner will share pieces from the exhibit including ceramics, glass, jewelry, textile, paper, metal, wood and more. A representative of the Material Flow Collective– Rakefet Kenaan, will showcase some works created by the group composed of designers, creative artists, academic researchers, and lecturers.
During the program we will:
Explore contemporary Israeli crafts and design;
Learn how artists manipulated different mediums to create visual answers to the question, “What is the measure of man?”; and
Experience an artist’s view of creating an installation for the Biennale.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Henrietta Eliezer Brunner
Senior Curator of Craft and Curator
The Glass Pavilion, Co-Creator of the Second Tel-Aviv Biennale of Crafts & Design, 2023, MUZA, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv
Rakefet Kenaan
Heeloof Homareem
(Material Flow eCollective)
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 20 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour of the Valley of Springs: Natural Treasures and Scientific Innovations
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, for a unique visit to Emek HaMa’ayanot. Shahar will show us the glorious nature in this newly energized tourist destination, with its plethora of natural gems. Our virtual tour will take us from Mt. Gilboa to the Rutenberg Hydroelectric Station to the Beit-Alpha ancient Synagogue and many places in between.
Learn the history of:
• Kibbutz Nir David and Tal Amal
• The Ein Shokek and The Wet Path
• Kibbutz Sede Eliyahu and BioBee
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 13 @ 12:00 EST

Musical Compositions Of Triumph And Love For Tu B’Av
We invite you to celebrate Tu B’Av with stories of survival, triumph and love told through music. Join us for an inspirational musical conversation with composer Ella Milch-Sheriff as we view and discuss her original operas, cantatas and compositions.
We will learn:
How Ella Milch-Sheriff used her father’s diaries as inspiration to compose an opera and cantata about growing up as a second-generation Holocaust survivor;
The ways in which she translated situations such as risk and survival into music; and
Her vision and execution in interpreting the Song of Songs and creating a musical masterpiece.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ella Milch-Sheriff
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 30 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour this month @Jaffa and the South of Tel Aviv
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, for an exceptional visit to Jaffa and the South of Tel-Aviv. Shahar will walk us through the birthplace of the city and along Rothschild Boulevard. He will bring the city to life with his unique storytelling of events and recently captured moments throughout this area.
We will virtually visit and learn more about:
The port of Jaffa
The story of the Prophet Jonah
The Flea Market
Ancient Jaffa and historical buildings
Tabitha, Simon the Tanner and St. Peter’s Church
Florentin Neighborhood: Young artists and Graffiti tour
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 23 @ 12:00 EST

Forging Israel’s Legacy with NATAN and ILC
Please join our continuing conversation with Israel Legacy Central as we spotlight NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief, an all-volunteer driven Israeli non-profit. NATAN rapidly deploys aid to communities stricken by natural or man-made disasters and are currently providing aid in Turkey, Ukraine and Nepal.
Learn about how powerful volunteering and creating a legacy can be as we discuss:
ILC’s mission to create a strong future for Israeli non-profits;
NATAN’s two-phase approach of aid and community recovery in Ukraine; and
Hands on experience of volunteers helping refugees around the globe.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Daniel Kahn
NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief
Leeon Boujo
Senior Program Associate, UNHCR
Israel NATAN Volunteer, Operations
Dr. Dorit Nitzan Prof Dorit Nitzan, MD, MPH, RD
Dir, Masters Program in Emergency Medicine,
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
NATAN Medical Relief Volunteer
Gal Yoffe, MPH, PMP
Explorer, Entrepreneur, Innovator
NATAN Volunteer, Emergency Operations
Opening Remarks:
Mordecai Karsch
Israel Legacy Central
Closing remarks:
Carol Karsch
Giving Expert & Founder
Israel Legacy Central
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 16 @ 12:00 EST

Through The Lens And The Brush: Contemporary Artists in NYC
Join us for another contemporary art tour with Gabriela Vainsencher. During this tour we will be introduced to the work of three artists: Daniel Gordon, Alex Katz and Richard Avedon. We will delve into their individual motivations which fuel their creativity and learn how each artist used their inspiration of fashion to create their work.
Gabriela will highlight:
How Daniel Gordon transforms an image into 3-dimensional art;
How 95 year old Alex Katz’s favorite subject to paint is his wife ; and
How Richard Avedon shaped photography with his artistic eye, including capturing the spellbinding image, “Sad Marilyn”.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 12 @ 12:00 EST

Mastering A Sizzling Summer BBQ: From Texas to Tel Aviv
AIFL warmly invites you to become an “unofficial pitmaster”! Join us for a U.S. Independence Day weekend tradition, along with two award-winning chefs, Ziv Ruder and Barrett Black, as they trade their special recipes for favorite BBQ side dishes and demonstrate some of their grilling tricks live. Each chef will share some of their respective family legacies and stories that continue to inspire their recipes today.
Prepare to be informed and enticed as the chefs:
Share grilling methods for various vegetables;
Offer family friendly options and tips, so everyone can participate; and
Inspire you to use your grill with confidence!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 02 @ 12:00 EST

Sharansky Speaks: Human and Jewish Rights & the War with Russia
Join us for a discussion with Natan Sharansky, a name associated with the Cold War, the struggle of Soviet Jewry for the right to immigrate to Israel, Human Rights evolving over the last few decades, the World Zionist movement, an avid advocate of democracy and a non-U.S. citizen who is the recipient of both the Congressional Medal of Honor and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom. Mr. Sharansky is the Chairman of the Combat Antisemitism Movement Advisory Board, a Human Rights Activist and the Former Chair of the Jewish Agency for Israel and plays a key role in the fight against antisemitism.
We are honored to host Mr. Sharansky in our webinar series, together with our Delegation of State Legislators, visiting Israel as part of the NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures). The NCSL delegation, led by MA Senate President, Ms. Karen Spilka, includes leading state legislators from both parties. They will join us as part of a briefing with the Combat Antisemitism Movement, to listen to Mr. Sharansky, who will share perspective on:
• The significance of the recent White House Initiative on antisemitism;
• Insight into the ongoing Russian – Ukraine War; and
• Outcomes from June 2023 UN Conference on antisemitism in Cordoba, Spain.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Chairman of CAM Advisory Board
Yigal Nisell
COO, Combat Antisemitism Movement
Opening Greetings:
Karen Spilka
MA State Senate
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 28 @ 12:00 EST

Like Father, Like Daughter: A Family’s Wine Journey Through California & Israel
An old tradition with a new paradigm, that is the philosophy behind the internationally acclaimed winery, Covenant Wines. Join us to learn the story of how tasting an Israeli wine led to the founding of Covenant Wines and how they have put a Californian twist on the age-old wine making process.
Meet Jeff Morgan, the founding Winemaker and Co-Owner of Covenant, and his daughter Zoë Morgan Koelewijn, the Operations Coordinator of Covenant, as they share their story of a family making special memories while creating delicious wine.
We will also hear about:
The differences between Israeli wine and American wine;
The dynamics of running a family-owned business; and
The challenges of creating and selling kosher wine.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Jeff Morgan
Founding Winemaker and
Co-owner of Covenant Winery
Zoë Morgan
Operations Coordinator
Covenant Winery
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 18 @ 12:00 EST

Zoomba Zumba: Life Is Happier When You Dance
Join us for the first of our new Zoomba Zumba series, led by Detroit based instructor, Julie Hirsch. Julie has taught group fitness, specializing in Zumba, for over thirteen years and shares her positive and fun attitude towards exercise.
Her classes are perfect for all levels and ages, just bring your dancing shoes and Julie will provide spirited instruction.
We will learn dance moves, which will:
• Strengthen your cardio;
• Relieve stress; and
• Remind you that life is happier when you dance!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Julie Hirsch
Zumba Instructor
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 06 @ 12:00 EST

Israel’s Legacy: A Conversation with Matnat Chaim and Operation Ethiopia
Join us for the second installment of our collaborative series with Israel Legacy Central, where we introduce you to Israel’s vibrant nonprofit organizations. During this live program, we’ll get to know two organizations that have profoundly impacted the health and lives of individuals in Israel and Africa.
We will speak with Operation Ethiopia, an organization that provides eye care, surgery, and treatment to Ethiopians in need. We will also meet the team from Matnat Chaim, an award-winning nonprofit dedicated to educating and encouraging kidney donation in Israel. Our panel will share how two small Israeli organizations have made an oversized impact and transformed the lives of thousands of people.
During the conversation, we will learn:
How Operation Ethiopia started from a family trip;
How Matnat Chaim helped Israel become a worldwide leader in kidney donations; and
The personal stories of doctors who have performed life-changing surgeries, kidney donors, and kidney transplant recipients.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Opening Remarks:
Mordecai Karsch
Israel Legacy Central
Closing remarks:
Carol Karsch
Giving Expert & Founder
Israel Legacy Central
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 04 @ 12:00 EST

Jerusalem Art – Transcending Cultures and Continents
Let us introduce you to the Jerusalem International Fellows, and founder CEO Elise Bernhardt, to share how artists from across the globe come together to use the city of Jerusalem as their studio. During the 10-week residency, Mexican choreographer, dancer, professor and producer Claudia Lavista, flourished in her passion as she worked with Elad Schechter, founder and Artistic Director of c.a.t.a.m.o.n Dance Group.
Join us to learn more about:
The inspiration and impact of the artist residency program creating a doppler effect of creativity throughout the city; and
Claudia’s travels across the globe to work with the c.a.t.a.m.o.n. Dance Group and the lasting impact of her collaboration.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Elise Bernhardt
Founder & Director
Jerusalem International Fellows
Claudia Lavista
Mexican Choreographer, Dancer, Professor and Producer
Elad Schechter
Founder & Artistic Director
c.a.t.a.m.o.n Dance Group
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 28 @ 12:00 EST

The Motivation Behind the Creativity of Artists
Join us for another prolific contemporary art tour with Gabriela Vainsencher. During this tour we will be introduced to the work of three artists: Elisabeth Kley, Sol LeWitt (1928-2007), and Jordan Nassar. We will delve into their individual motivations which fuel their creativity, explore their own personal connections to art and learn how each artist employs the use of unique mediums and processes to create their work.
Gabriela will highlight:
* How mathematical equations allow Sol LeWitt’s art to continue to be created;
* How Elisabeth Kley transitions her ideas from 2D to 3D; and
* How traditional craft is meshed with the conceptual art of Jordan Nassar.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 24 @ 12:00 EST

An AIFL Fireside Chat: Exploring the Multi Community City of Beit Shemesh with Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch and Dr. Yossi Vardi
Please join us for a fireside chat with Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch and Dr. Yossi Vardi. Learn the inspirational story of Mayor Dr. Bloch, and how she has dynamically impacted the city of Beit Shemesh one step at a time; from working within the school system to becoming the city’s first female Mayor, and every step in-between. Mayor Dr. Bloch will delve into the challenges of running a city in great growth, with strong multi-cultural constituents, with a goal of mitigating cultural differences for the benefit of everyone.
We will discuss:
* The many different communities of Beit Shemesh;
* Mayor Dr. Bloch’s experiences being elected against all odds without a political party behind her;
* The founding of Branko Weiss High School; and
* The future vision for Beit Shemesh.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 21 @ 12:00 EST

A Musical Conversation for Mother’s Day
Join us for a musical performance and conversation with an electric and a classical guitarists in collaboration with the America-Israel Cultural Foundation (AICF). The AICF has, for over 80 years, provided scholarships to artists in order to support and cultivate artistic life in Israel. We will first hear about the vibrancy of varied artistic endeavors from Iris Reff-Ronen, CEO of AICF USA and Israel. We will then speak live with Dida Pelled, a native Tel-Avivian now living in Brooklyn, NY, who is a widely regarded jazz guitarist, and Didi Gold, an Israeli born classical guitarist since the age 11, now residing in London.
The program will feature:
Concert and performance videos;
The influences and artistic processes of both of the musicians; and
Musical Tributes to Mother Figures
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Didi Gold
Classical Guitarist, Arranger & Composer
Dida Pelled
Jazz Guitarist, Singer & Songwriter
Greetings By:
Iris Reff-Ronen
CEO, AICF USA & Israel
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 14 @ 12:00 EST

Independent Movements Pilates
Join us for a Pilates stretch class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
This session will focus on becoming independent through movements which will increase your ability to move around in everyday activities on different surfaces. The series will help increase your balance, strength, and flexibility.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves. Grab your mat, chair, cushion and if you have them handy, some light weights.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 07 @ 12:00 EST

Flowers that Empower: Growing Sustainable Communities
April showers will yield May flowers… in Chicago and Israel this year!
Join us to hear the story of Chicago Eco House and its in-house flower shop, Southside Blooms. We are delighted to introduce you to Founder Quilen Blackwell, a recent delegate on America-Israel Friendship League’s African American Leadership Delegation. Through a partnership with the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, Quilen has since returned to Israel to collaborate with Israeli Floral Stylist, Zarina Wasser, to bring new techniques and focus to his work in Chicago.
During our conversation, we will learn more about how:
- Chicago Eco House is using sustainability to alleviate poverty;
- Southside Blooms provides real world experience, applicable job skills and job creation for at-risk youth in inner-city Chicago;
- Zarina and Quilen met and how Zarina’s knowledge will impact, and advance, Chicago Eco House’s mission.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Quilen Blackwell
President & Co-founder
Chicago Eco House/Southside Blooms
Hannah Bonham Blackwell
Co-Founder & Lead Creative
Southside Blooms/Chicago Eco House
Travis Wilkinson
Farm Manager
Southside Blooms
Zarina Wasser
Zarina Floral Styling & Event Design
Nathan Friedkin
Find Your Edge Media
Opening Remarks:
Itai Biran
Consul for Political & Commercial Affairs
Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 30 @ 12:00 EST

The Israel Opera: An Encore Independence Day Concert, Jazzed Up
In celebration of Israel’s 75th Independence Day, please join us for a virtual encore concert streamed to your home. The concert will include a musical retrospective of popular Israeli folk songs that include:
Mechora Sheli – My Homeland
Chorshat Ha’Ekaliptus – The Eucalyptus Grove
Ahava Hi Shir Leshnaim – Love is a Song for Two.
Hayu Leilot—Those Were the Nights
Streamed, the program will feature:
Music Director
David Sebba
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 23 @ 12:00 EST

Vibes of Tel Aviv – Virtual Tour
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, for a unique visit to Tel-Aviv, a city that never sleeps. Shahar will show us many facets of this modern city in the Middle East, beyond its vibrant nightlife, by highlighting some of the top art, history, culture, cuisine and architecture Tel Aviv is known for.
We will virtually visit and learn more about:
The Renovation of the Hall of Independence
First Houses vs. Modern Buildings
The Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Sarona Historical Center and Market
Zina Dizenghof Square
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 16 @ 12:00 EST

Transcendent Mishkan Art: The Abu Shakra Family Collection
Join us for a second visit to the Miskan Art Museum in Ein Herod for a behind the scenes look at: “Spirit of Man, Spirit of Place – Artists of the Abu-Shakra family in Ein Harod”. This visionary exhibit co-Curated by Dr. Housni Shehada and Dr. Galia Bar-Or – is an exceptional, highly acclaimed display of five artists of the Abu-Shakra family from Umm El Fahem. This historical retrospective brings hope, with a sense of comfort, in the creation of a timely dialogue.
Highlights of this presentation include:
- The unique phenomenon of the Abu-Shakra family of great artists from Umm El Fahem.
- This groundbreaking exhibition as a cultural-social bridge, between different parts of Israeli society.
- Reflections from the co-curators on why this exhibition has become a “MUST-SEE”, drawing tens of thousands of visitors from all over Israel!
- How the Museum’s educational programs, inspired by this exhibition are impacting the region through coexistence programs between Arab and Jewish children.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Orit Lev-Segev
Mishkan Museum of Art
Housni Alkhateeb Shehada
Curator of the Abu Shakra exhibition
Galia Bar Or
Curator of the Abu Shakra exhibition
Tanya Fredman
Educational, Community and
International Programming Coordinator
Wendy Kantor
Organizer & Chair
American Friends Of The Mishkan Museum
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 02 @ 12:00 EST

Israel’s Legacy: Empowerment Through Change
Join us for the first installment of our collaborative series with Israel Legacy Central as we introduce you to Israel’s vibrant nonprofit organizations. Through our series, we’ll explore the untold stories and profound impact that Israel’s nonprofit sector has on Israel’s economy and diverse communities.
During this initial broadcast, we’ll get to know Olim Beyahad, whose mission is to end the destructive impact of racial bias against the Ethiopian community, and Hillel – The Right to Choose – which supports the increasing numbers of young adults leaving ultra-Orthodox communities across Israel. Both NGOs have the singular goal of empowering and supporting their constituents as they integrate into and contribute to Israeli society.
Our panel will share the similarities, differences and uniqueness of the challenges faced by the communities they serve. We will also hear directly from their respective program alumni who are paying forward their accomplishments to others seeking similar change and growth. During the conversation we will learn:
- Why the Ethiopian and ultra-Orthodox communities face disproportionately greater challenges when compared to other segments of Israeli society;
- What approach is taken to address and shift preconceived notions and prejudices about the Ethiopian and ultra-Orthodox communities;
- What personal challenges program participants face during and after their journey from transition to integration; and
- What are the long-term goals when addressing the issues of inclusivity and tolerance.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shimmy Lev
Attorney at Law & Mediator
Volunteer, Hillel – The Right to Choose
Avi Neuman
Chief Development Officer
Hillel – The Right to Choose
Hagit Yaari
VP of Resource Development
Olim Beyahad
Yeshareg Esayas
Manager, Graduate Network
Olim Beyahad
Closing Remarks:
Mordecai Karsch
Israel Legacy Central
Greetings by:
Carol Karsch
Giving Expert & Founder
Israel Legacy Central
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 26 @ 12:00 EST

Embroidering, Conceptual & Figurative Art Exploration
Join us for another prolific contemporary art tour with Gabriela Vainsencher. During this tour we will be introduced to work of three artists Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Sophia Narret and our guide herself. Each artist’s work is in response to social issues and a global environment that is culturally diverse.
We will gain insight into the conceptual work of Gonzalez-Torres which is composed of everyday material but elicits powerful responses from each viewer. This work has added historical value and perspective of the artist from the AIDS epidemic period.
Vainsencher, draws on the Mother archetype which changes from culture to culture, but historically took the form of Madonna and Child. Her current work highlights motherhood as both subject and a state, a provocative theme and conversation in the artworld.
Embroidering – painting with thread, we will escape with Narrett into her intricately embellished dreamscapes where she explores a variety of topics including Jewish mysticism, fantasy, and romance.
As Gabriela shares her creative process with us, we will also learn:
- More about the legacy of González-Torres whose work continues to expand and be challenged;
- Why motherhood remains uncomfortable territory as a subject and state in the artworld;
- The importance of contemporary art due to its historical value of being a product and witness of a specific time and era; and
- About a unique approach to the craft of weaving and an artist’s radical vision for her work.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 12 @ 12:00 EST

Functional Pilates: Let’s Get Physical!
Join us for a Pilates stretch class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
This session will focus on a series of functional workouts which are related to increasing your ability to participate in and get better at everyday activities—like walking, bending, or squatting to pick up something heavy. The series will help increase your balance, strength, and flexibility.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves. Grab a mat, a resistance band, a chair, some light weights and, if you have one handy, a stick.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 05 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour: More Haifa by Demand
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, for this extended virtual tour of Haifa, as he continues to amaze us with Haifa’s history, hikes and wildlife.
During this virtual tour, we will learn about:
• The hike from Stella Maris to the Elijah cave;
• Druze, Jews, Muslims & Christians in Haifa and its surrounding areas;
• Forest fires and wild boars;
• Haifa’s markets and a special restaurant, Robin Food; and
• The Port of Haifa and the National Maritime Museum.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 19 @ 12:00 EST

Mishkan Museum Of Art: Timeless Treasure
Join us as we introduce you to the Mishkan Museum of Art, Ein Harod. Founded in 1937, the brainchild of Israeli artist and kibbutz member Haim Atar, Mishkan was established in the heart of the kibbutz community. Its founders believed that art, culture, knowledge, and understanding were essential. Today Mishkan located in the north of Israel is lauded as a respected museum and exhibition space for local, national, and international artists.
The museum houses a large and diverse collection of Jewish art from the late 19th and early 20th century and boasts some of the most groundbreaking exhibits, along with an extensive collection of Judaica and Israeli art. Its structure has inspired some of the 20th century’s most iconic buildings.
During this first installment of our two-part series featuring Mishkan, we will learn from the museum’s professional staff:
- The history of the museum and what makes it unique;
- Why Mishkan is a multi-cultural institute that holds true to the values of pluralism and tolerance through the personal stories from professional staff;
- The impact of Mishkan’s educational and social initiatives and what makes the museum a pedagogical innovator;
- What makes Mishkan’s collection of Jewish and Israeli art unparalleled; and
- What’s next for Mishkan … the vision for its future.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Orit Lev-Segev
Mishkan Museum of Art
Tanya Fredman
Educational, Community and
International Programming Coordinator
Yaniv Shapira
Chief Curator
Mishkan Museum of Art
Dvora Liss
Judaica & Contemporary Jewish Art Curator
Mishkan Museum of Art
Wendy Kantor
Organizer & Chair
American Friends Of The Mishkan Museum
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 12 @ 12:00 EST

We Stand With Turkey: An Emergency Briefing – Rescue Efforts & Humanitarian Aid
On Monday morning, February 6, Southern Türkiye and Syria were rocked with two successive earthquakes. By Monday evening Israel’s rescue teams were en-route to provide their support and assistance. In a dramatic move, the government of Syria sent a request to Israel for support.
Within a few hours, over 2,000 were confirmed dead, and that number will rise dramatically. The quake is one the strongest to hit the region in over a hundred years with multiple aftershocks felt throughout the region afterwards.
Join us for a special briefing from representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of IsraAID, the Israeli humanitarian and disaster relief NGO, who will brief us of their efforts on the ground.
They will share with us:
- The challenges they are facing including extreme weather conditions in reaching those in dire need;
- The outlook from medical and logistics experts who have been deployed; and
- What the region needs most in the wake of massive destruction and tragic loss of life.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Rescue Mission
Israel Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
Rescue Mission
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 08 @ 12:00 EST

Innovation in Education & Community Reformation
Rabbi Bombach will speak about the goals for students not just in relation to matriculation but as well-rounded individuals who can contribute to Israeli society.
We will learn:
- What inspired Rabbi Bombach to reimagine Israel’s Charedi educational system;
- The importance of finding a balance between educational innovation and the central religious values of students;
- How a Netzach education prepares graduates to pursue higher education and compete for quality employment; and
- How it feels to affect positive change and influence the future of your community.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page
Feb 05 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour This Month @Haifa: Little Secrets and Large Innovations
Join Master Tour Guide, Shahar Fertig, who will take us on a virtual tour of Haifa, Israel’s third largest city, known for its majestic views of the Mediterranean Sea.
During this virtual tour, we will learn about:
• Public Transportation in Haifa and the Cable Express
• Mt. Carmel’s Flora and Fauna
• Hikes Revealing Secrets of the City such as:
- Spring and the Carmelite Crusader ruins;
- Wadi Siakh: Stella Maris to Elijah’s cave; and
- Haifa University Archaeology: Hecht Museum to The Generational Path.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 29 @ 12:00 EST

Self-Discovery: A Journey in Contemporary Art
Join us on an exclusive journey with contemporary art expert, Gabriela Vainsencher, as she shares with us the creative journeys of three prolific artists whose stories of self-discovery have impacted their creative expressions and artistic creations.
We will meet Yashua Klos, Tau Lewis and Tirtzah Bassel who have all unearthed personal connections and family history that have influenced their work. Using a variety of media including woodblock printing, collage, sculpture and painting they give their audience the opportunity to get to know them on a deeper level.
During this tour we will learn more about:
- How these artists discovered personal history through art history
- How exploring racial and masculine identity inspired one artist’s works
- How a self-taught sculptor creates hand-made masterpieces from natural materials
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 22 @ 12:00 EST

Music & Dance: The International Languages of Inclusivity
The program will include samples of student and faculty performances interwoven a conversation between The Academy’s President, Professor Michael Klinghoffer and Head Of International Relations, Sarah Meltzer Golan about lauded accomplishments of students and alumni. We will also learn about:
- The Academy’s history and mission
- What makes The Academy’s curricula unique
- What makes The Academy’s teachers and graduates some of the best artists in Israel and around the world
- What’s next for The Academy as they celebrate 90 years of academic excellence
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Sarah Meltzer Golan
Head of the International Relations Office,
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Professor Michael Klinghoffer
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 15 @ 12:00 EST

New Year’s Resolution Pilates
Join us for a Pilates stretch class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves. Grab a mat and towel and get ready to start the new year with a healthy resolution.
Please be prepared with your foam roller for a challenging session, for all levels, as we explore:
• Balance
• Core
• Range of Motion
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 08 @ 12:00 EST

Replay: PropTech: Israel Day @ New York Stock Exchange
Join us as we revisit one of the programming highlights of 2022, Israel Day @ New York Stock Exchange which was hosted in partnership with IsraeliMappedinNY and New York Stock Exchange. Last year’s conference was dedicated to PropTech, technology developed to manage commercial properties. The Israeli startups featured specialize in technology that has jump-started property management to overcome inefficiencies in management and operations.
Participants at the conference were greeted with remarks from leading American and Israeli commercial property owners, Danna Azrieli, Chairwoman of the Azrieli Group, and Tal Kerret, President of Silverstein Properties (owners of the World Trade Center).
The conference will recap many leading technologies and financing opportunities.
The program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 04 @ 12:00 EST

Timeless Symphonic and Operatic Discoveries
We will take a melodic journey to the Alba Music Festival, with the festival’s co-director Maestro Dr. Jeffrey Silberschlag. Saltzman’s 4th Symphony, ‘A Choral Symphony: Halevi’ successfully premiered at this extraordinary event, featuring the seven last poems of Yehuda Halevi.
We will also hear excerpts from the world premiere of the operatic recount of the story of Solomon Schechter and the discovery in Cairo’s Geniza. The opera weaves a story of discovery at the Ben Ezra Synagogue attic which contained one thousand years of history in the form of rare Hebrew religious manuscripts with a 12th century story of lost love.
During this symphonic escape, these two iconic musical virtuosos will share:
- What inspired the writing of an opera about Cairo Geniza;
- The challenges of bringing someone else’s vision to life with music;
- The approach needed to convey the preeminence and historical significance of a figure like Halevi; and
- The creative process for operatic and symphonic works.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Maestro Arnold Saltzman
Composer of Geniza: Hidden Fragments &
A Choral Symphony: Halevi
Maestro Jeffrey Silberschlag
Artistic Director of the Chesapeake Orchestra
Prof. of Music and Chair in Music at St. Mary’s College of University of South Maryland
Alba Music Festival Co-director
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 28 @ 12:00 EST

Sababa Sunday
America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) is extending a special invitation to you, our friends, supporters and stakeholders to a year-end virtual celebration of friendship. This exciting interactive program will feature live and recorded segments from some of our programs during this past year – as well as a holiday surprise!
• Feedback from our donors and stakeholders
• Highlights from our annual gala at The Pierre
• Segments from artistic and humanitarian webinars
• Testimonials from leadership delegation and youth ambassador alumni
AIFL Board Member
AIFL Board Member
2022 YASE Alumni
Virginia Beach Public Schools
2022 YASE Alumni
Modi’in Maccabim Reut
Georgia Senate District 39
2022 African American Community Leaders Delegation Alum
Vice President, Public Affairs, Miami Marlins
2022 Hispanic Community Leaders Delegation Alum
Dec 18 @ 12:00 EST

The Mighty Mosquito: A Fireside Chat with Dr. Yossi Vardi & Dr. Jonathan Bohbot
Join us for a riveting conversation between Dr. Yossi Vardi and Dr. Jonathan Bohbot whose study of the mosquito’s olfactory system takes us on a journey featuring a myriad of ways that the mosquito’s sense of smell directly affects their behavior including flight. We will learn how small receptors implanted on these insects can help diagnose disease, as well as fungal and bacterial growth.
During their conversation we will hear:
*How with the help of nanotechnology mosquitoes can help detect and reduce food spoilage
*How mosquitoes use their sense of smell to track humans which will enable us to improve repellants
*How receptors can be combined to detect specific odors
*What has been learned by tracking mosquitoes in 3D when they are exposed to human odors and other stimuli
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Dr. Jonathan D. Bohbot
Assistant Professor of Entomology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 11 @ 12:00 EST

The Road Ahead: A Post-Israeli Election Analysis featuring our 2022 African American Leadership Delegation
Join us for the second installment of our two-part series on Understanding Israel’s Democratic System and November’s Election. This segment features an in-depth discussion with Professor Udi Sommer who will analyze the broader implications of Israel’s election and discuss what the results may entail for the future of the Knesset and the State of Israel. Now, in the aftermath of the election, the ousted leader of the Opposition and Chairman of the Likud Party Netanyahu is set to reclaim his previous position as Israel’s Prime Minister.
With the Likud poised to hold a solid majority in the 120-seat parliament, the elections have catapulted the Religious Zionism bloc into the third-largest bloc in the legislature as well as a key component of the new ruling coalition.
- How will this change in power affect Israel’s approach to the country’s most-pressing concerns, both internal and external?
- How stable will the new coalition be?
- How will the new government influence US-Israel relations?
- Minorities and Israeli democracy – How does the Israeli democratic system relate to and address the needs of minority groups in society?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Greetings By:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Jeremy Weiss
Vice President of Project and Programming Development
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 04 @ 12:00 EST

Unique Thanksgiving Traditions: A Story of U.S. Immigrants in Israel
Join us for a unique Thanksgiving story, steeped in the early immigrant experience in Israel but born from a yearning to celebrate the culture and traditions of home. We will hear from founding members Marilyn Glazier and Lori Melman and will learn about Har Halutz, a settlement established by nine American families in 1985 who were part of the early Reform Movement.
For these families, creating a sense of community would center around on holiday celebrations. For these American families, the holiday season begins with Thanksgiving.
We will learn what made these holiday activities so memorable.
What were the early days at Har Halutz like for the new immigrants?
How are families selected to take turns organizing hosting holiday gatherings?
How did these families make it a special celebration for the entire community?
Har Halutz now – how has the community evolved, and how have celebrations changed?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 27 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour this month: Past Meets Present @ Tel Dor and Dor HaBonim
Join us and Master Guide, Shahar Fertig who will take us to the coast to visit Tel Dor and Dor HaBonim.
During this virtual tour, we will learn about the special qualities of this unique natural area, and how the nature along the coast changed life for those who lived there throughout the ages. This tour includes the vista of breathtaking coastal cliffs in Northern Israel.
Shahar will guide us from the past to the present at:
• The trade routes of the Phoenicians;
• The Dor Habonim Nature Reserves; and
• The Nahsholim Beach in Tel Dor
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 20 @ 12:00 EST

Mindful Movements Pilates
Join us for a Pilates stretch class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
This session will focus on releasing tension in and strengthening the hips.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves. Grab a chair, mat and towel and get ready to have an attitude of gratitude.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 16 @ 12:00 EST

Coming Of Age -US & Israel Teens Speak
Join us for an inter-generational conversation with our American and Israeli youth ambassadors. We pride ourselves in introducing the world to future leaders. This program will allow you to hear authentic stories from these teenagers who have experienced many changes during the last few years and have emerged stronger. They embarked on this educational adventure together embracing the opportunity to accomplish what they sorely missed over the last two years, having an organic in-person bonding experience with their peers abroad.
Following home hospitality programs in Houston, Oklahoma City and Virginia Beach our youth ambassadors have had opportunities for growth, while experiencing daily life together.
During our “town hall” conversation live from New York, they will share:
• What they have learned about themselves and their peers during the pandemic;
• How they have adapted to the new normal in their respective countries and what that means;
• What social movements or global conversations have spurred them to find their voice or to act;
• What assumptions they may have had about each other prior to their YASE experience;
• What they have learned during their YASE experience, and has YASE impacted their perspective of each other
• What current and new goals have emerged from this exchange.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
2022 YASE Ambassadors from US & Israel
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 06 @ 12:00 EST

Understanding Israel’s Democratic System & November’s Election
On November 1st, Israel will hold its fifth election in three and a half years. This period in Israeli politics has been marked by internal political conflict and external challenges. As Israelis prepare for the upcoming elections, tension, increasing extremism and social gaps are becoming more apparent. Yet, this small but mighty democracy, has never stopped believing in nor questioned the democratic process.
During this timely conversation, we will gain a better understanding of Israeli democracy and the reasons why there is yet another round of democratic elections. We will also explore the differences between the democratic systems in Israel and the USA and what the results of this election might tell us about the direction in which Israel might be headed.
Join us as political analyst and Israeli foreign policy expert Yohanan Plesner helps us understand this ever-evolving period in Israeli democracy. With his knowledge and expert opinion, we will learn:
How does Israel’s democratic process works? What are the similarities to and differences from the American democratic process?
What unique challenges does Israeli democracy faces both externally and internally, and what is their impact on governance?
Why is another election being held at this time?
What is the role that key groups in Israeli society play in the electoral process?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Yohanan Plesner
President, Israel Democracy Institute
Jeremy Weiss
Vice President of Project and Programming Development
America-Israel Friendship League
Please note special time of the webinar in Israel,
due to Israel’s change from Daylight Savings Time.
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 30 @ 12:00 EST

2022 YOUTH AMBASSADOR STUDENT EXCHANGE (YASE) – October 25th – November 22nd
The Youth Ambassador Student Exchange (YASE) program is the AIFL’s flagship educational program. Since 1977 the AIFL has conducted this formal binational educational exchange program in partnership with the Israel Youth Exchange Authority (IYEA, formerly known as the Public Council for the Exchange of Youth and Young Adults).
To date, over 5,000, predominantly non-Jewish, American high school students and their families have participated in this month-long exchange program where they gain the experience of living in each other’s country and home.
Each program is conducted around a current international theme (this year, TBD).
PROGRAM DATES: October 25th – November 22nd
Israeli Delegations arrive in the US – October 25th
US Home Hospitality – October 25th to November 1st Tours/Lectures etc. Washington DC & NYC – November 1st – 7th
- November 1st – 4th – Washington, DC
- November 4th – 7th – New York
Israeli and American Delegations travel and arrive in Israel – November 8th
Tours/Lectures, etc. Jerusalem & Tel Aviv – November 8th – 14th
- November 8th – 10th – Tel Aviv
- November 10th – 14th – Jerusalem Home Hospitality – November 14th –21st
American Delegations Return to the US – November 22nd
Oct 25 @ 6:20 EST

Tabernacles of Israel: Sukkot’s Movable Feast
Join us for a virtual tour of the Tabernacles across Israel, in the next installment of our monthly Virtual Israel Travel series with Shahar Fertig, Master Tour Guide.
We will learn about the roots and heritage of Tabernacles across Israel and their role in the celebration of Sukkot.
Shahar will share insights about:
• The story of Tabernacles
• The biblical origin of the Tabernacles
• How ancient holidays are celebrated in modern Israel
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page
Oct 23 @ 12:00 EST

Rebuilding Communities: Models Of Faith and Hope Replay
In the true spirit of Sukkot, please join us for this replay webinar discussing how our collective experience, regardless of where we live, has taught us that time is fleeting, life is a gift, and we have a lot to be grateful for here in the United States and around the world. Many of us have been worried about the challenges facing our families and wider communities and have turned to faith leaders for guidance and a ray of hope.
Our panel of faith leaders from Miami consists of a rabbi, a pastor, a reverend, and an Islamic leader who have all had to think outside of their traditional ideological boxes and expand their ministries to address an ever-evolving list of social welfare needs of their congregants and broader community during the pandemic and now. Some have partnered with other faith leaders to bridge the gap of their local communities, creating social program models that have been successful in both addressing their constituents’ needs and providing hope.
Together we will hear from these faith leaders and learn:
What it means to be selfless in service of our fellow man.
Which models have proven to be most efficient and effective in helping them address the growing needs of congregants?
What challenges and triumphs have they faced and had during their expanded community outreach efforts?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Greetings from:
Consul General
Maor Elbaz-Starinsky
Consul General of Israel in Miami
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 12 @ 12:00 EST

Sweet Songs for the New Year …Shana Tova!!
Join us as we celebrate the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashana 5783, with a replay of an online concert from the Israeli Opera. This popular cultural event will be streamed straight to the comfort of your home filled with sweet songs and melodies for New Year. Some of the musical selections for this holiday period are:
Bashana Haba’ah – Next Year by Ehud Manor and Nurit Hirsch
Balada La’Shoter Azulai – Ballad for Officer Azulai by Ehud Manor and Nurit Hirsch
Reach Tapuach – Aroma of Apples by Yoram Taharlev and Nachum Heyman
Yeheyeh Tov – It Will Be Good by Yehonatan Geffen and David Broza
Streamed live, the program will feature:
David Sebba, Musical Director
Raanana Symphonette Orchestra
Goni Knaani
Anat Czarny
Daniella Skorka
Tal Ganor
Jeremy Weiss
Vice President, Project & Programming Development
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 02 @ 12:00 EST

Golda: An American & Israeli Legacy
Join us for a look at the lesser-known story of Golda Meir’s American sojourn from Milwaukee to Denver. Golda’s time in the United States had an immeasurable impact on her life choices and future in Israeli politics.
We will hear from family friend, author, and her former spokesperson Meron Medzini, whose biography of Meir weaves a gripping tale of triumph and adversity. We will also hear from a board member and the Executive Director of the Golda Meir House Museum. We will learn about the rededication and history of this museum, whose aspirations include showcasing this iconic leader’s home, and its story in Denver in a world class museum worthy of her legacy.
During our conversation with our panel, we will learn more about:
- The influence of Golda’s American experience on her future roles in the union movement and politics in Israel;
- The process of archival restoration for creating a modern Golda exhibit;
- The role of Congresswoman Pat Schroeder and her role in the fight to save Golda’s House; and
- The historical significance of sharing Golda’s legacy with future generations.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Meron Medzini
Author and Historian
Roz Duman
Founder/Executive Director
Coalition Against Global Genocide
Lena Fishman
Executive Director
Golda Meir House Museum
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 18 @ 12:00 EST

9/11/01: A Retrospective
Join us as we commemorate September 11th, 2001 a tragic day in the lives of New Yorkers and all the world. We will look back on the impact and aftermath of the horrific events of the day, as we contemplate the debt we owe and can never fully repay to our first responders–those on the frontline for months who brought stability, comfort and peace of mind to a city rocked to its core, its traumatized residents, and a very shocked country.
The events of September 11th, 2001 not only reshaped the city’s and nation’s response to terrorism, but it also catalyzed global interagency cooperation in national security preparedness.
Our panelists served in critical roles on the day, one as a city leader in government, another as a public safety leader and first responder, the other as chaplain and one of the city’s leading interfaith leaders and one is president of the owner of the World Trade Center, receiving the keys several short weeks before the tragic events unfolded. They will share how they found strength in the months and years following the tragedy to:
• Continue to fight for healthcare for first responders and their families
• Rebuild a devastated fire department that lost 343 members of its bravest
• Use their faith to help many combat fear and foster interfaith dialogue in the aftermath of September 11th, 2011
• Share the complex history of September 11th with the next generation
• Maintain the commemoration during destruction to construction – how was the new trade center rebuilt while maintaining the legacy and memory of the original?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
New York’s 12th Congressional District
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Executive Vice President
New York Board of Rabbis &
Chaplain of the New York City Fire Department
Salvatore Cassano
Former Commissioner
NYC Fire Department
Tal Kerret
President, Silverstein Properties
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 14 @ 12:00 EST

Artistic Interplays: Painting, Sculpture & New Techniques
Join Israeli artist and lecturer Gabriela Vainsencher for a gallery tour featuring three artists who enjoy using mixed media and the interplay of new techniques and new technology as a method of directly engaging their audiences. Featured at some of the most beautiful and fascinating shows on view in Los Angeles and New York City, Nicole Eisenmann, Adam Parker Smith, and Barbara Kruger’s creations explore complex feelings and the cultural prominence of their iconic pieces.
Our tour will focus on the interplay of sculptures and paintings showcased at recent gallery exhibitions, and work represented at international museum collections. The artists’ work includes great mastery of each of their respective crafts, as well as creative processes that are revolutionary.
During our discussion we will gain a greater understanding of:
• The trends and new techniques in art;
• How new technology can change the way we experience visual art;
• Why contemporary art is so welcoming to these emerging trends;
• How these three artists continue to be expansive with this new direction in the world of art.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Sep 04 @ 12:00 EST

Shamir: War, Peace and a Dream
Yitzhak Shamir, the 7th Prime Minister of Israel, led a storied life now showcased in a riveting documentary, Shamir: War, Peace & A Dream. The film brings together a veritable roll call of Israeli politicians and generals to talk about his legacy. Interviews with Shamir’s confidants, colleagues and family, alongside reflections of former Prime Ministers, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, complement behind-the-scenes footage and archives.
The little-known personal history of Shamir is revealed onscreen, as director Igal Lerner offers a rare glimpse into Shamir’s early years in Poland, his family in Israel, and his leadership of the Stern Gang (Lehi) up through his years as Prime Minister.
Join us to meet the filmmakers and learn more about:
How this film and Shamir’s story are connected to our current times Why it was important to create this film
How and why Shamir’s legacy is still regarded as a leadership model You can view the movie trailer in advance of our webinar here: .
The film’s official webpage is: .
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Noa Cacharel
Founder & CEO of NOA
International Film Marketing
Yair Shamir
Son of Yitzhak Shamir
Erez Fridman
Co-Filmmaker & Content Editor
Igal Lerner
Co-Filmmaker, Director & Producer
Martin Kramer
Historian, Middle East and Israel at Shalem College & Walter P. Stern Fellow at The Washington Institute
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 31 @ 12:00 EST

Parlor Meeting – Featuring Renowned Photographer Neil Folberg in his Jerusalem Studio.
Please join the America-Israel Friendship League in cooperation with State of the Arts for a private virtual tour with renowned photographer Neil Folberg in his Jerusalem studio.
Renowned American-Israeli Photographer and Gallerist |
Art Consultant and Dealer State of the Arts |
Moderator: Chief Development Officer, AIFL |
Host: AIFL Member |
During this parlor meeting, we will discuss the following:
* Neil’s seven published books, each encompassing what would be the project of a lifetime for others
* Neil’s travel and photography in 21 countries
* Neil’s Landscapes and Interiors
* How Neil has captured a dramatically changing world
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP to Leah at 843.830.6049 or or
Raquel Veras at 516-604-1010 or
Aug 30 @ 10:00 EST

Zev Brenner Radio Show
Zev Brenner, the decades-long President and Executive Producer of Talkline Communications Network and host of Talkline with Zev Brenner–America’s premier Jewish radio program—interviewed Naomi Reinharz, our Chief Development Officer, on his show this week about AIFL, our upcoming annual Partners for Democracy Awards Gala, and her career in fundraising. Listen here tonight, between 8-9 PM ET on WSNR 620 AM, WVIP 93.5 FM HD2 & or via the 24 hour listenline: 641-793-0382.
Aug 29 @ 8:00 EST

“Reintroducing” Jazz Legends of Tomorrow: Carnegie’s National Youth Orchestra
The end of summer is near, and we know you need a break from the heat. Join us for some “cool jazz” as we invite you to revisit a webinar and share a summer concert with you.
The world-renowned Carnegie Hall synonymous not just with New York but the musical icons who have and continue to grace its stages has partnered with us for a showcase of future musical performers, and legends. This tribute to musical excellence features a repertoire as wide and varied from jazz musicians of the past and present performed by its National Youth Orchestra (NYO) Jazz Ensemble.
Like the AIFL, Carnegie’s youth musical education programs inspire and introduces the world future leaders from those with aspirations and dreams to emerging talent. These lively musical performances breathe a new cadence of life into any room, and we cordially invite you to join us to:
- Be greeted by Sir Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall and learn more about Carnegie’s educational initiatives
- Hear personal and impactful stories from members of the National Youth Orchestra
- Immerse yourself into this extraordinary cultural musical program
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Carnegie’s National Youth Orchestra’s Jazz Ensemble Conducted by:
Sean Jones
NYO Jazz Ensemble
With personal stories from:
Ebban Dorsey
Aliceyn Covington
Aidan McCarthy
Ephraim Dorsey
Emma Boyd
Sophie Urban
Greetings by:
Sir Clive Gillinson
Executive and Artistic Director
Carnegie Hall
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom
or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 28 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour @ Jordan River Streams and the Ancient Cities of Dan & Banias: Part 2
This week, join us, along with our Master Guide Shahar Fertig, for part two of our virtual tour around the Jordan River and its historic tributaries. We will continue our journey along the Hula Valley and learn more about the feeding streams and surrounding towns including the Dan, Panias (Banias) and Hasbani.
Shahar will take us through the annals of time to share more historical insights, as well as little-known facts about this area. We will learn about:
• The largest waterfall in Israel
• The Hanging Bridge
• The Pan Cave
• The Agrippa Palace
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom
or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 21 @ 12:00 EST

A Fireside Chat & Book Review: Judaism 3.0
Join us for a fireside chat and provocative discussion with AIFL board member Gol Kalev. Gol’s new book Judaism 3.0: Judaism’s Transformation to Zionism is triggering a new conversation.
In his book, he asserts Judaism is going through a historic transformation just as it did 2,000 years ago. Zionism, the national aspect of the Jewish nation-religion is becoming its organizing principle.
Kalev delves into analysis of long-term trends in Israel and in North America, collectively home to 85% of today’s Jewry. He argues that the transformation to Judaism 3.0 is not just a function of intra-Jewish trends, but also of global trends. He ties his observations to the original vision of Theodor Herzl, founder of modern-day Zionism, who, he explains, planted the seed for the transformation of Judaism.
During our conversation, Gol will address:
Is there a shift in global consciousness on the essence of Judaism?
Is there a global philosophical divide in the 21st Century between Americanism vs Europeanism?
Why does criticism of Israel confirm his central thesis?
How does Judaism 3.0 address contemporary Jewish realities such as intermarriage?
What are the consequences of Judaism 3.0, in countering Israel-bashing?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 17 @ 12:00 EST

An IDF Briefing: Operation Breaking Dawn
These last few days, we all followed the most recent developments of “Operation Breaking Dawn”, which Israel deployed in the Gaza Strip in response to recent events carried out by the Islamic Jihad. After 55 hours of battle, late Sunday night, a delicate cease fire was brokered. For a behind the scenes perspective, join us for a briefing from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on this recent action.
The briefing will provide context and a better understanding of the prevailing threat of the Iranian sponsored terrorist organization Islamic Jihad.
During this briefing we will learn:
• What was the reaction of partner countries in the Middle East?
• What was the imminent threat that triggered Israel’s action?
• Were there other impending threats to Israel?
• What would it mean for the Israeli population if action was not taken or deferred?
• What was the role of Iran, Egypt and Hamas in these events?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Lt. Col. Richard Hecht
IDF Spokesperson
Jeremy Weiss
Vice President of Project and Programming Development
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 09 @ 11:30 EST

Pilates Summer Stretch Series
Join us for a total body Summer Pilates stretch class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv. This resistance band series is designed to leave you feeling lean, strong and centered.
This session will focus on using these versatile resistance bands for some rotation movement to engage the core while also working that upper body but maintaining balance and posture.
Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves.
Grab a Theraband, your mat and towel and get ready to stand a little taller and feel stronger!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Wayne L. Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 07 @ 12:00 EST

Live from Bat Yam: The Harvard Krokodiloes
Join us for a special live concert featuring The Harvard Krokodiloes one of the oldest American collegiate a cappella singing groups. The Kroks are on a global tour celebrating their first visit to Israel with several performances across the country.
Hosted under the auspices of the mayor of the beautiful coastal city of Bat-Yam, residents, beach goers and you will join this hybrid performance of their versatile repertoire and talent.
This exclusive concert with the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea features ballads and classics such as:
• Jerusalem
• America The Beautiful
• Sukiyaki
• La Vie en Rose
• All Of Me
• Georgia On My Mind
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Kieran Anderson | Jongtae Jeon |
Jonathan D’Souza | Gregor Kossmann |
Jeffrey Ding | Cyril Leahy |
William Granger | Hari Narayanan |
Joseph Griffith | Rick Zhou |
Ian Hayes | Eton Shon |
Greetings by:
Mayor Tzvika Brot
Mayor Of Bat-Yam
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Aug 03 @ 12:00 EST

Harvard Krokodiloes: August 1st – 5th
Stay tuned for more details coming here soon.
Aug 01 @ 5:07 EST

Virtual Tour @Jordan River Streams and the Ancient Cities of Dan & Panias (Banias): Part 1
This week, join us for another exciting virtual tour with our master guide Shahar Fertig. Shahar will take us to the infamous Jordan River with its storied and biblical past, for the first of a two-part series. Coursing through the Hula Valley and fed by streams, including the Dan, Panias (Banias) and Hasbani streams it is approximately 223 miles in length and has the lowest elevation of any river in the world.
During our tour, Shahar will take us through the annals of time to hear more about the Jordan River’s historical importance as a water source, as well as its religious significance. We will also learn, among other things:
• About the twelve tribes of Israel;
• What is the Finger Of The Galilee?
• Where is the Hula Valley?
• Why the cleanest and freshest water comes from the Dan Spring.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 24 @ 12:00 EST

The Future Of Food Is Cellular
Join us for a riveting conversation with Dr. Yossi Vardi as he introduces us to another leader in innovation, this time from the field of food technology. This leader is someone who provides an answer to the adverse environmental effects of the traditional meat industry.
Professor Yaakov Nahmias is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and Founder of Future Meat Technologies, the world’s first cultured meat production line. This meat is sustainable, healthy, delicious, and affordable, born from a unique marriage of engineering, biology and chemistry.
Learning from pioneers in the field of food technology Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, Future Meat technologies is a step ahead of the competition, keeping their product affordable, while keeping production sustainable and scalable.
During his conversation with Professor Nahmias, Dr. Vardi will help us understand:
- The ecological impact of meat consumption
- The growing interest in plant-based meat and sustainable alternatives
- What is ‘media rejuvenation’ and how it makes Future Meat Technologies stand out from its competitors
- Why Professor Nahmias believes cultured meat is the wave of the future and can feed the entire world
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Prof. Yaakov Nahmias
President & CSO
Future Meat Technologies
Greetings by:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 17 @ 12:00 EST

Live from Tel Aviv with AIFL’s 2022 Hispanic Community Leaders Delegation and Israel’s Selfie 2022: A Democracy’s Self Assessment
AIFL’s delegations are back in Israel, and now is your opportunity to hear first hand from the delegates of their experiences.
After meeting the delegation, we will join them as they listen to Professor Tamar Hermann, Senior Fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, and her in-depth analysis of Israeli democracy based upon a comprehensive survey of public opinion.
Entitled Israel’s Selfie 2022, the presentation and subsequent discussion will enable delegates to gain further understanding of the mosaic that is Israeli society. Each year this survey, provided to political leaders and the President of Israel, gives them vital insight to the thoughts of Israel’s society, helping them make informed decisions, seeking to strengthen the Israeli democratic fiber.
Along with our delegation we invite you to learn about:
- Israel’s inherited challenges as it defines itself as a Jewish and democratic state
- Israel’s socio-demographic structure and its impact on the national political map (and upcoming elections)
- The realities of Israeli Jewish-Arab relations
- Israel and the Palestinians – what’s next?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Professor Tamar Hermann
Senior Fellow
Israel Democracy Institute
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Jul 13 @ 12:00 EST

Hispanic Community Leaders Delegation: July 10th – 17th
Jul 10 @ 4:45 EST

Curtain Call – Artistic Empowerment of Communities
Curtain Call works to bridge the gaps between, and foster dialogue among, the many diverse religious, minority and fringe communities across Israel. Join us for a program about this organization that is gaining acclaim in Israel and abroad for its innovative artistic programs.
The mission of Curtain Call is to use community theater as a tool to bring together and showcase people with disabilities, at risk youth, and minority groups – Arabs and Ethiopians, as well as Ultra-Orthodox women – bringing them to the forefront and integrating them into Israeli society.
During our program, we will hear from Curtain Call’s Founder and CEO, Ifat Bahar:
* What inspired her to start this organization just a decade ago?
* How does Curtain Call foster outreach and dialogue in its target communities?
* How has the company adapted to meet the needs of its members during the pandemic?
* How does Curtain Call measure its impact on the communities with whom it works?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ifat Bahar
Founder & CEO
Curtain Call
Soheir Khatib
Program Director for the Arab Society
Reuven Kuvent
Chair of the Board
Curtain Call
Wayne L. Firestone
AIFL Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jul 06 @ 12:00 EST

Historical Eilat Through the Years – Virginia Beach, Parlor Meeting
America-Israel Friendship League
Invites You to Join Us at an AIFL Parlor Meeting
Virtual Tour of Eilat
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Israeli Culture Club at the Global Studies & World Languages Academy (GSWLA)
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer at AIFL
Summer is in the air, and what better way to celebrate than to visit one of the premier Mediterranean beach cities—Eilat. Our guide, Shahar Fertig, will take us on a virtual tour that will include a brief visit to Eilat of the past through the annals of time to the trendy, vibrant city that never sleeps. This southern Israeli port and resort town on the Red Sea near Jordan is known for its beaches with their calm waters, like Dolphin Reef, where the aquatic mammals are often spotted. Known for snorkeling and diving, it is also home to Coral Beach Nature Reserve which has buoy-marked underwater trails among fish-filled reefs.
Our journey with Shahar will inspire you to visit Eilat. He will address these questions and more:
- How did this shanty-style frontier town transform into one of Israel’s premiere resorts?
- How does Eilat preserve its magnificent coral reefs as a leader in environmental preservation and biodiversity, while sharing it with almost three million tourists each year?
When: Monday, June 27, 2022
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET (6:30 PM Israel / 8:30 AM PT)
Where: Via Zoom
The event will also be streamed live via Zoom (prior registration is required).
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP to Raquel Veras at 516-604-1010 or
Jun 27 @ 11:30 EST

Virtual Tour @ Caesarea: The Story Of Water
Caesarea: Rome’s Capital in Israel. Josephus considered it the main source of the Jordan River, and the ancient Greeks claimed the water that fed the Jordan flowed from the nearby cave. The truth may lie somewhere in the middle. Our guide, Shahar, will take us on a journey to discover the truth behind Caesarea and its intriguing story of water.
Once inhabited by the Greeks and the Romans, this ancient desert city with its aquifers, aqueducts, wells and grottos was a constant source of fresh clean water, both for drinking and for the bath houses.
During our virtual tour with Shahar, we will learn:
- More about this ancient port city
- How the Romans perfected the art of building aqueducts
- About the ancient water system that still connects the modern cities of Zichron Yaakov and Caesarea
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Shahar Fertig
Master Tour Guide
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 26 @ 12:00 EST

Taking Pride In Building Bridges – Beyond Stonewall, Milk & Marriage
As Pride Month celebrations are winding down, we commemorate a movement and members of our society who have evolved and grown along with societal perspectives on human sexuality. Our discussion features the leadership of two pioneering organizations at the fore of the movement in the U.S. and Israel – Hetrick Martin Institute and Israel Gay Youth (IGY). These organizations support LGBTQIA+ youth from every socio-economic stratum and across the religious and ethnic spectrum.
During our webinar we will learn how:
- Each organization helps youth embrace and accept all aspects of their identity;
- Both organizations work to bridge the divide in their communities through their services;
- Youth in both countries can find inspiration in each other while working together for a more progressive future.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ofer Newman
Israel Gay Youth, IGY
Adam Stevens, MA, RDT
Program Manager,
Bereavement and Mental Health Services,
Hetrick-Martin Institute (HMI)
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 22 @ 12:00 EST

Chillin n’ Grillin for Father’s Day
Tel Aviv and Miami have a few things in common: great architecture, boho markets, beautiful people, year-round sunshine, great bars, beaches, and then there’s barbecue. Yes, both cities are home to two avid grill dads and pitmasters. The first is a pioneer of the Israeli barbecue scene, a restauranteur and influencer. The second, a barbecue connoisseur, circuit competitor and entrepreneur who developed a device that allows you to stack and smoke your meat in the comfort of your home.
These two pitmasters are so passionate about barbecue it has become a family business. From creating innovative grilling and smoking devices to pickling condiments to compliment their meats, these culinary masters work with both parents and kids in the kitchen.
During our webinar we will hear:
- How these two grilling dads met
- How each of them devised the innovative ideas for their unique grilling tools
- What it means to each of them, as fathers, to work alongside their parents and kids
- Some of their favorite meals and memories they have shared with family.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 19 @ 12:00 EST

The Abba Program: Break Throughs Are for Men Too
Join us as we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day for a riveting discussion that introduces us to a novel program created to address the emotional needs of fathers and father figures in our lives. The Abba (Hebrew meaning ‘Father’) Program is a novel initiative inaugurated in 2020 during the global pandemic when the need to address mental health in the home was elevated. The program creates discourse and provides unique responses for fathers struggling with the challenges of raising their children generally as well as those specifically dealing with the trauma of experiencing stillbirth.
This discussion will be led by our panel of experts including Dr. Yair Apter, Director of The Abba Program and Dr. Nurit Glazer Chodick whose research was instrumental to raising awareness about the emotional needs of men among their peers.
During the program we will learn about:
• The mission of Na’amat in Israel;
• What makes The Abba Program special;
• The impact of The Abba Program from participants/program alumni;
• The vision for The Abba Program and the men who it supports;
• Other programs at Na’amat’s Glickman Center in Tel Aviv;
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Yehudit Shamir
Na’amat USA
Chair of Programming
Shirli Shavit
Director of Na’amat
International Department
Dr. Yair Apter
The Abba Program
Dr. Nurit Glazer Chodick
Social Worker
The Abba Program
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 12 @ 6:11 EST

3rd Annual Tel Aviv Jewish Playwriting Contest
Join us for a front row seat at the 3rd Annual Tel Aviv Jewish Playwriting Contest. You will have the opportunity to see American and Israeli theater artists celebrate the best in new Jewish playwriting! Produced by CenterStage Israel and presented by New York’s Jewish Plays Project, we will feature three amazing plays from aspiring writers: Madeleines by Bess Welden, Say Goodbye by A.R. Cohen/Corwin, and Tree of Life by Victor Wishna.
Part live play reading and part “American Idol”, this unique event comes to you from CenterStage Israel in Ra’anana. You will have the opportunity to vote for the ‘Best Of’ with the live audience, as these hand-selected plays compete and YOU help cast a deciding vote.
During the program you will learn:
What it means to experience the only professional English-speaking Israeli theater;
The roles of CenterStage and Jewish Plays Project in their respective artistic communities;
The vision for this collaboration and the supporting aspiring playwrights; and
The different genres represented by the plays and the backgrounds of the American writers and Israeli actors.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Daniella Crankshaw
Center Stage Israel
David Winitsky
Artistic Director
Jewish Plays Project
Danielle Faitelson
Center Stage Israel
Wayne L. Firestone
AIFL Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 08 @ 12:00 EST

An IDF Briefing – Multi-Arena General Strategic Assessment
Israel is facing today threats from multiple, new, and non-traditional fronts, many of which do not include a physical border with the state. These include non-state para-military organizations, sub-terranean infrastructure, cyber-threats and looming nuclear threats.
Join us for a briefing that evaluates current plans to build and increase the Israel Defense Forces’ ability to defend against these different fronts.
During this briefing we will learn about:
Potential threats and challenges that the IDF encounters
The means used by the IDF while facing the challenges and threats
The actions and means of terrorist organizations
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jun 01 @ 12:00 EST

Lewis Falls – Virginia Beach Parlor Meeting
AMERICA-ISRAEL FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE, In Partnership With: Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Invites You to Join Us at an AIFL Parlor Meeting
Through both online and face-to-face gatherings, The Women’s Kiteboarding Collective is becoming a premier resource for kiteboarding education, inspiration, and connection for women around the world. The Collective encourages women to network, work together, learn together and build a sense of camaraderie in both kiteboarding and their personal and professional lives. With that foundation, women can advocate for improvements for their lives and the lives of others.
We will learn about the global movement of kitesurfing. We will understand what it takes to become successful in water sports, the connection between sports and business and our guest will share some of her successes and challenges of the competitive circuit.
Shalhevet (Shelby) Segal,
Founder of KB4Girls Israel
Israeli Culture Club at the Global Studies & World Languages Academy (GSWLA)
Naomi Reinharz,
Chief Development Officer at AIFL
When: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm ET (6:30PM Israel / 8:30AM PT)
Where: Tallwood High School
The event will also be streamed live via zoom. (Prior registration is required)
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities and across
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
Please indicate if you would like to join in-person or virtually
May 24 @ 11:30 EST

A Medical Miracle in the Negev
Join us for an awe-inspiring story of one-year old twin girls, previously cranially conjoined, and the marriage of modern medicine and technological innovation that helped to successfully separate them.
We will learn more about the Soroka Medical team that supported the parents prior to the diagnosis during the mother’s pre-, peri- and post-natal care. We will hear from lead surgeons Dr. Mickey Gideon, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Soroka and Dr. David Steffenberg, Chief of Pediatric Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone about the collaboration of the international medical team that undertook this monumental and extraordinarily complex 12-hour surgery.
During the webinar we will hear about:
- The importance of Soroka University Medical Center to the residents of the Negev region;
- The rarity of the medical phenomenon of craniopagus twins;
- The enabling technology, including how 3-D modeling and virtual reality were implemented;
- The tremendous accomplishment felt by the dozens of collaborating medical team members
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Rachel Heisler Sheinfeld
Executive Director
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center
Dr. Micky Gideon
Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Soroka Medical Center
Dr. David Staffenberg
Chief of Pediatric Plastic Surgery
NYU Langone
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 22 @ 12:00 EST

Blurred Lines – Art & Craft or Craft in Art?
Join Israeli artist and lecturer Gabriela Vainsencher for a gallery tour of some of the most beautiful and fascinating shows on view in the New York City art world. We will look at sculpture, video, and even contemporary mosaic, as Gabriela introduces us to the artists behind the works.
This tour focuses on the recent exhibitions by Rose Nestler, Cameron Welch, and Kathy Butterly. These three artists work at the nexus of art and craft, a direction that has gained huge momentum in the art world in recent years. Their work includes great mastery of each of their respective crafts, while pushing it in new directions.
During our discussion we will learn about:
• What is art and craft in art;
• How contemporary art has blurred the boundaries between art and craft and;
• Three artists at the epicenter of this new direction in the world of art.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Gabriela Vainsencher
Artist & Lecturer
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 18 @ 12:00 EST

Houston – Parlor Meeting
Please join us at our AIFL Parlor Meeting for a private virtual tour at Northern Israel’s Kibbutzim. We will learn about these types of settlements which are unique to Israel. The first Kibbutz was Deganya Aleph, founded in 1910. Today, there are over 270 Kibbutzim in Israel. They have diversified greatly since their mostly agricultural start, and many have become private.
We will explore:
- Kinneret Courtyard – “Cradle of the Kibbutz”
- Degania Aleph – the first Kibbutz
- Kibbutz Merhavia and Golda’s gramophone
- Kibbutz Sasa – the armored kibbutz
Moderator: Naomi Reinharz,
Chief Development Officer, America-Israel Friendship League
Host: Tyron Chambers, HISD, AIFL YASE Alum
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
With warm regards, see you soon on May 11!
When: Wednesday, May 11 Time: 11:00 am CT /12:00 pm ET
May 11 @ 12:00 EST

The Goldsmith Of Boutique Chocolatiers
Nothing says decadence like chocolate!
Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Mother’s Day here in the United States and take a sweet outlook on life. Our program introduces us to Elie Tarrab a self-taught artisan chocolatier in Tel Aviv.
Elie is a lover of all thing’s chocolate. His passion for chocolate dates to his childhood in Haifa, Israel, where he tasted his first, unforgettable chocolate delicacies. He truly discovered his sweet tooth while working at Ben and Jerry’s. In 2006 Elie opened a chocolate boutique in Tel Aviv called Cardinal where he makes pralines, bonbons, desserts, chocolate bars, and other treats.
During our conversation with Elie we will learn:
• What inspired his love of chocolate and passion to start his own business
• How he translates his training as a goldsmith to his chocolate creations
• About the growing tradition of exchanging a gift of sweets in Israel
• What challenges COVID-19 posed as he opened his new store
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Eli Tarrab
Artisan Chocolatier, Owner,
Cardinal Chocolaterie
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 08 @ 12:00 EST

The Harvard Krokodiloes- Live in Concert
At 75 years old, The Harvard Krokodiloes is the oldest collegiate a cappella singing group.
They are about to embark upon their annual globe-trotting tour, which will include their first visit to Israel. Before they leave, they are providing AIFL’s audience with a front row seat to their versatile repertoire and talent.
Join us for this exclusive concert and hear about:
• The criteria to becoming a member of the group
• What it means to a be member of this legacy and storied brotherhood of song
• Some of their most cherished memories and memorable performances
• How much work it takes to plan their summer world tour
• Their hopes and vision for the future of the group
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Kieran Anderson | Jongtae Jeon |
Jonathan D’Souza | Gregor Kossmann |
Jeffrey Ding | Cyril Leahy |
William Granger | Hari Narayanan |
Joseph Griffith | Rick Zhou |
Ian Hayes | Eton Shon |
Greetings by:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
May 01 @ 12:00 EST

Reflections On The Heroes of Salonika
We invite you to join us as we commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah). During our program we will highlight the film ‘The Heroes Of Salonika’, and hear the personal, and lesser-known stories of, the Jews of Salonika, Greece.
Our conversation with the guest panel will include stories from one of the last survivors, the film’s producer, director and editor. Their compelling tales span from the arrival of the Nazis to Salonika, to the liberation and freedom from Auschwitz and for, “a few”, the return to their homeland.
As we listen to the experiences of survivors and heroes of the once large, affluent and vibrant Jewish community we will learn about:
• The inspiration for the film
• The quiet heroism and instrumental role of Jacito Maestro
• The fate of the community as they tried to rebuild after the Holocaust
• The importance of recording these stories for Jewish history
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Yigal Pomerantz
Producer & Assistant Director
Tom Barkay
Director & Editor
Sol Levi
Project Research & Content Consultant
Moshe Haelion
Holocaust survivor & resident of Salonika
Greetings by:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 27 @ 12:00 EST

House of Israel – Earth Day – Parlor Meeting
America Israel Friendship League, In Partnership With:
Invite You to Join us at an AIFL Parlor Meeting
During this presentation, we will learn about key water technologies that are leading the way in Water Conservation. From citizens to farmers to industry to cities’ water is a precious resource we are all obligated to preserve.
- We will learn how farmers can select technologies for their specific needs
- With an oversaturated market of Agritech startups, how are farmers benefiting from recent technologies?
- What is the greatest risk going forward for the water industry, in your opinion?
Chief Commercial Officer
Rivulis Irrigation, N.A.
Chief Development Officer at AIFL
House of Israel, Balboa Park
12:30 – 1:00 pm: Welcome & Reception / 1:00 – 2:00 pm: Program / 2:00 – 2:30 pm Social Mixer
Where: The House of Israel, HALL OF NATIONS, 2294 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA 92101
The event will also be streamed live via zoom. (Prior registration is required)
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Apr 24 @ 12:30 EST

Israel’s Shining Star in Ukraine: On the Frontlines of a Field Hospital
Kokhav Meir — ‘Shining Star’ is the only foreign field hospital functioning in Ukraine, established to enable doctors and medical professionals from Israel to provide much needed medical care to those in need.
The hospital is located in Ukraine itself, in the city of Mostyska. It features a triage area, an emergency department, labor and delivery rooms, mental health services, laboratory, pharmacy and an outpatient clinic. It is connected to the medical facilities in Israel, so that expertise can be provided in real time from professionals who might not be located in the physical facilities themselves.
Join us for an update from the frontlines with the medical team leaders and volunteers from Israel’s humanitarian field hospital.
We will hear from medical personnel who will share their experiences about:
• How the situation is evolving as the war wages on
• What it means to be a ‘shining star’ for patients
• What are the most critical needs of refugees
• What is the psychological impact of the war on children
• How the international community can assist the war-torn country
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Dr. Michal Mekel
Head Of the Israeli Delegation to Ukraine
Deputy Director, Rambam Hospital
Prof. Eran Kozer
Medicine/ Pediatrics
Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
Greetings by:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 24 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour This Month @ Zichron Ya’akov
This month features AIFL’s twenty-second virtual tour which will take us toZichron Ya’akov, one of the first ‘modern’ settlements in Israel.
Our Master Guide, Reuven Solomon, will show us magnificent view–s from the coastal plains to the Mediterranean. He will focus on the midrachov, the original cobblestone and Zichron’s main street, while browsing galleries, coffee shops, ice cream parlors and eateries.
Reuven will share stories of:
- Early Zichron Ya’akov– a Jewish pioneer agricultural settlement in Turkish Palestine
- Sarah Aaronsohn and the NILI spy organization
- Wine from Carmel Mizrahi
- Baron Edmond James de Rothschild’ exquisite gardens and tomb
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Reuven Solomon
Master Tour Guide
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 20 @ 12:00 EST

A Diplomatic Review: Russia, Iran, Israel with Ambassador Dennis Ross
Iran, Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Israel, The Abraham Accords – Middle East geo-politics are as complicated today as they were thirty years ago.
Will Russia turn its frustration from Ukraine towards a show of power in Syria?
Will a new alignment tame the Iranian bear?
What kind of solution will a nuclear treaty with Iran provide?
Ambassador Dennis Ross–scholar, diplomat, and expert–has been in the thick of it through multiple administrations.
We will hear Ambassador Ross’ perspective on these and other related topics such as:
- What is the future of US-Russia relations?
- Has Russia’s unprovoked assault galvanized public support behind NATO?
- What is current US foreign policy to deter Tehran from engaging in gray zone activity?
- What role will the US play in keeping the Cold War between Israel and Iran from escalating?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ambassador Dennis Ross
Counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Greetings by:
Jeffrey Robbins
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 13 @ 12:00 EST

Houston, Parlor Meeting
Please join us at our AIFL Parlor Meeting for a private virtual tour at Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea scrolls were found in 1947–56 in caves at nearby Khirbet Qumran, the site of an ancient Jewish settlement, as well as in more recent discoveries in adjacent caves in 2017 and earlier this year. We will share photos, maps, stories and explore some of the sites in this region and their historical and modern-day significance.
We will explore a region on the western shore of the Dead Sea in Israel and learn more about:
• The “Cave of Horror”
• Qumran & the Essenes
• Sectarian documents & the Biblical Scrolls
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Tyron Chambers
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
With warm regards, see you soon on April 13!
When: Wednesday, April 13th
Time: 11:00 am CT /12:00 pm ET
Apr 13 @ 12:00 EST

Rollo Art Exchange: Art Inspired by Art
Artists are often asked the universal question … what inspired your creation?
COVID-19 quarantining, and lockdowns denied artists the very interaction they need for inspiration and creativity. By providing creativity links between and amongst artists, the Rollo Project enables participating artists to inspire one another, forming a creativity growth art-chain.
In collaboration with our friends at the Consulate General Of Israel in New England, we will hear from the American and Israeli curators and artists who participated in this year’s creative chains, Longing and Belonging.
They will share with us:
- Why the founders of Rollo were so intentional about embracing diverse artists and artistic expression
- How it felt to be part of this game of anonymous artistic inspiration and expression
- What it felt like to inspire a fellow artist, not knowing what their creative process was.
- What is the difference between Rollo and other art projects they have participated in before
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Amb. Meron Reuben
Consul General Of Israel to New England
Meclina Gomes
Artist & Curator
Community Art Collaborative
Anna Burd
Cultural Journalist &
Co-Founder, Rollo Art Exchange
Eden Kalif
Tracy Barbosa
Artist & Collaborator
Duende Studio
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Apr 06 @ 12:00 EST

Soroka – Parlor Meeting
Please join the America –Israel Friendship League (AIFL) in partnership with
American Friends of Soroka Medical Center
for a very special parlor meeting:
The Third Wave of Israeli Tech –
The Startup Nation Takes on the Sustainability Challenge
Featured Guest Speaker:
Oren Heiman, CEO and Co-founder at NaturaGrowth
After 18 years as a renowned attorney and community leader in New York, Oren returned to Israel and has recently initiated the creation of NaturaGrowth, Israel’s largest tech incubator, focusing on Agtech, Foodtech and ClimateTech. Oren will discuss the potential for Israel to become a global leader in technologies relating to sustainability.
Tuesday, April 5th
1 pm – 2 pm ET
(8 PM Israel / 10 am PT)
Rachel Heisler Sheinfeld, Executive Director of American Friends of Soroka Medical Center
Exceptional science, innovative cures, and world-class experts–Soroka Medical Center, the sole major medical center for the Negev, is a beacon of peaceful co-existence, hope and healing for 1.2 million people. American Friends of Soroka Medical Center is dedicated to supporting the outstanding medical care and breakthrough research at Soroka
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer of AIFL
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Also, please view this short clip from AIFL’s exciting offering of diverse webinar activities over the past two weeks.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
With warm regards, see you soon on the 5th. L’hitraot!
Apr 05 @ 1:00 EST

Pavilions Of Promise At World Expos – A Retrospective Of Israel’s Participation
Join us a for a riveting discussion and a historic look at the Israeli story through the nation’s participation in International Expos. This evolutionary journey takes us from pre-statehood Palestine to modern Israel.
A celebratory visit to the unique and symbolic Israeli pavilion at the Dubai 2020 Expo, shows a structure with no walls or boundaries looking to the horizon of the future, symbolizing a future wrapped in hope for cooperation with all its neighbors. The Israeli Pavilion at Expo 2020, like the tent of Abraham, is open on all sides and welcomes everyone. It greets those who want to learn about Israel, its heritage, culture and diversity of population; and those looking for the opportunity to collaborate in a variety or professional arenas.
Our panel, comprised of an archivist/historian, the Director of the Israel Pavilion at Dubai 2020, and the Commissioner General, Israel Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai will share:
• The historical Context of the Pavilions of Promise
• Their experience on the road to Expo 2020 Dubai pre and post Abraham Accords
• The significance of Dubai 2020 Expo moving forward
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Elazar Cohen
Commissioner General
Israel Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai
Josh Bendit
Israel Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai
David Matlow
Archivist and Historian
Partner, Goodman’s LLP
Toronto, Canada
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 27 @ 12:00 EST

Houston, Parlor Meeting
Please join the America –Israel Friendship League (AIFL) for a very special parlor meeting.
Featured Guest Speaker:
Reuven Solomon, Master Tour Guide
When: Wednesday, March 23rd
Time: 11:00 am CT /12:00 pm ET
Tyron Chambers,
Houston Independent School District (HISD) – AIFL Youth Ambassador Student Exchange (YASE) Alum
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer of AIFL
Reuven Solomon has been a professional tour guide in Israel for more than 25 years.
Reuven is a long-time friend of AIFL who has accompanied many AIFL delegations to Israel, and for the last two years has been taking AIFL viewers on virtual tours throughout Israel.
In this parlor meeting, he will share photos, maps, and stories about Jerusalem, Israel.
He will guide us virtually through a historic journey of Jerusalem and take us on a modern-day walk-through the city.
You can learn more about AIFL, its story history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Also, please view this short clip from AIFL’s exciting offering of diverse webinar activities over the past two weeks:
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar at 347-791-6674 or
We look forward to seeing you all on March 23!
Mar 23 @ 12:00 EST

Spring Pilates
Spring is finally here with the promise of new beginnings.
Join us for a Spring Pilates class as part of our health and wellness series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv. We begin this season of rebirth and renewal hoping to inspire you on your journey of self-care.
This session will highlight postures with a focus on techniques for Scoliosis. Becky will provide instructions for specialized moves using a broom stick and a mat for cushioning.
Grab your mat and towel and get ready to spring into action!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 23 @ 12:00 EST

The Israeli Century: A Book Talk & Discussion
Due to a conflict with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s speech to the Knesset, MK Yossi Shain cannot attend at the designated time.
This webinar will begin at 1PM ET/7pm Israel.
Modern Israel has become the epicenter of global Jewish life, with tens of thousands immigrating or making ‘Aliyah’ from all corners of the globe to the Jewish homeland each year. Through his book “The Israeli Century”, Member of Knesset and Professor Yossi Shain takes us on a historical journey from the First Temple to modern Israel. The book emphasizes how sovereignty of a people can lay a solid foundation for the future of a thriving, independent nation.
Shain speaks of the Israeli Jew feeling a deep responsibility for tradition and a natural connection to a homeland. He argues, the burden of preserving the continuity of the Jewish people and defining its character is no longer the responsibility of American Jewry and diaspora communities.
During our discussion we will explore:
• The challenges to Israeli sovereignty
• Jewish morality and the challenges of Orthodoxy at this moment
• Both the dangers and opportunities that confront the Jewish future
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 20 @ 1:00 EST

Israel’s SolarEdge & Smart Energy
Join us for the inspiring story of an innovative alternative energy company. With vision and tenacity, its founders created a company that would soon dominate the industry. Through its sophisticated web connected technology increasing power by 25% from solar panels they are now one of Israel’s largest tech companies.
Now an industry leader with over 5,000 employees SolarEdge provides commercial and residential alternative energy solutions. Turning businesses and homes into hubs of sustainability and clients into pro-sumers not consumers.
During our discussion with SolarEdge’s co-founder, Lior Handelsman we will learn:
- How the market has changed over the years
- What it means to be an energy pro-sumer vs consumer
- What gives their products a competitive edge?
- What partnering with industry giants means for the new company?
- About the market outlook for the immediate future and long from a consumer’s perspective
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Lior Handelsman
Partner, Grove Ventures
& Co-Founder SolarEdge
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 13 @ 12:00 EST

The Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis – Briefing By An Israeli Support Organization
The recent unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces has led to one of the devastating refugee crises since the Second World War. To date over one million Ukrainians have fled their home ahead of the onslaught of Russian tanks Amid growing international horror and disbelief IsraAID, Israel’s leading non-governmental humanitarian aid organization, dispatched a team of first responders to the Ukraine’s Moldovan border.
Those arriving at border meet a friendly face, receive urgent relief distributions, emergency shelter and mental health support from IsraAid.
Join us to receive updates from those providing these services, including IsraAid’ s Head of Mission, community mobilizers, protection specialists and members of the emergency response team. We will:
- View live footage from the Moldovan border
- Hear firsthand how the situation has evolved since February 24th
- Meet Ukrainian refugees who will share personal stories of events of these recent 10 days.
- Learn how we can help Ukrainian refugees as their needs outpace support
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Tamar Lazarus
Senior Director of Development
and Communications, Global, IsraAid
Hagit Krakov
Head Of Mission
Greetings by:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Mar 09 @ 12:00 EST

Parlor Meeting – Charleston, SC
Please join Leah Chase and others from the America-Israel Friendship League for what promises to be a special online Zoom event.
Please RSVP
Please join me and others from the America-Israel Friendship League
for what promises to be a special online Zoom event.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 am ET
5PM Israel / 3PM United Kingdom / 5PM South Africa
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer, AIFL
Rina Schenfeld, Israeli choreographer and dancer, Tel Aviv, Israel
Leah Chase, AIFL Member, Charleston SC
We invite you to hear Rina’s story, one of the foremost dance artists in Israel. She first established her reputation in the ‘60s as the principal dancer, prima ballerina, of the Batsheva Dance Company where she was engaged from its foundation in 1963 until 1979. The Batsheva is one of the foremost contemporary dance companies in the world. During that period, she manifested herself as an extraordinarily expressive and versatile dancer who is as accomplished in classical ballet as in modern dance. Her dance performances also hold up to international standards of excellence. This applies, moreover, to her own choreography, when she established the Rina Schenfeld Dance Theater in 1979.
I became involved with AIFL last year, and it is a wonderful and worthy organization to get to know. Please learn more about AIFL at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Please RSVP at your earliest convenience at
Mar 06 @ 10:00 EST

Virtual Tour This Month @ The Muhraka, Daliyat al Carmel
This month’s twenty first virtual tour takes us to Northern Israel’s coastal mountain range.
Our Master Guide, Reuven Solomon, will take us on a journey through the Mt. Carmel Mountain Range, which is a UNESCO biosphere reserve. He will focus on the highest peaks, known as the Horn of the Carmel and discuss two large Israeli Druze communities that are nestled in the hills.
Reuven will share the stories of:
• Mount Carmel – God’s Vineyard
• The Druze – “Secret” religion & customs
• Sir Laurence Oliphant & Israel’s National Anthem
• The Discalced Carmelites
• El Muhraka & Elijah the Prophet
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Reuven Solomon
Master Tour Guide
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 27 @ 12:00 EST

King’s Legacy of Black-Jewish Relations Past, Present & Future
Join us for an expansive conversation about the history of Black-Jewish relations in America that underscores the importance of examining the state of that relationship today. Our accomplished panel includes Black and Jewish community leaders with a diverse set of personal and professional experiences serving as stewards of this relationship across both communities.
Registered participants will be invited to view the film “Shared Legacies: The African American-Jewish Civil Rights Alliance,” a documentary chronicling the powerful story of the coalition between Black and Jewish Americans before, during, and after the Civil Rights movement. The link for the film will be available for viewing 48 hours prior to the webinar beginning, Monday, February 21st. The crucial, historical lessons of Black-Jewish cooperation are revisited and revived in this utterly fascinating film that doubles as an urgent call to action.
Along with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, many Jews have taken active, supporting roles the contemporary struggle for racial justice. The work of such allies has, in many ways, extended the impact of Reverend King, Jr. and Rabbi Hershel’s visionary leadership. Yet, strains within the inter-community relationship persist, with the antisemitic and racist biases that linger on the fringes of each community having, at times, complicated ties by permeating more mainstream settings. Join us for a provocative, forward-looking discussion to examine this and related matters, beginning with the following questions:
- What will it take for the two communities to overcome these divides, and for the cooperation to overcome the conflict?
- What does Black-Jewish partnership in the Age of Black Lives Matter look like?
- How do voices of compassion and mutual respect rise above the prevailing din of acrimony, misunderstanding and distrust?
- What will the relationship look like in the future?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Rabbi Peter Berg
Senior Rabbi
The Temple
Dr. Ruth Pauline Plummer
CEO/ Founder
Covenant Daughters International
Olamide Fagbamiye
Covenant Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fellow
at Morehouse College
Greetings By:
Anat Sultan-Dadon
Consul General of Israel to the Southeast United States
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 23 @ 12:00 EST

Classical Musical Education in a Multicultural Society
You are invited to hear the inspiring works and stories from the next generation of Israeli musicians and music lovers. Located in southern Ramat HaSharon, along the northern border of Tel Aviv-Yafo is HaKfar Hayarok ‘The Green Village.’ A quarter of the students at Kfar Hayarok are boarding school students. Others commute from communities across central Israel, attracted by the special study courses offered including an educational track taught in English, veterinary studies and a first-class arts program.
With more than 2,500 students from ages 12 to 18, there are obvious pedagogical challenges meeting the needs of such a diverse student body. Our focus during this webinar will be on the arts and the challenges and triumphs of the musical department’s various branches but specifically in training and providing students with a classical musical education. We will hear from the school’s gifted Head of the Department of Classical Music, Ayelet Lifshitz, who will share with us highlights of the school’s illustrious music departments including musical selections of orchestra, chamber, choir and original composition. She will also share and explore:
- What motivates her as an educator in the artistic field
- The challenges of fostering education in the arts while competing with interests like STEM
- The sense of satisfaction and accomplishment felt by faculty and students from the beauty they create on stage and ‘behind the scenes’
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ayelet Lifshitz
Head & Founder
Dept. of Classical Music
HaKfar HaYarok
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 13 @ 12:00 EST

Afghan Refugees and Their Allies in Rescue and Resettlement
Very few of us can imagine suddenly losing our entire lifestyle and society that surrounds us. Afghan families are living this reality now. They were forced to flee their homeland, within a specific timeframe to a foreign land to which they had no connection and be at the mercy of foreign governments and the goodwill of humanitarian aid.
This webinar with take us behind the scenes and allow us to hear the courageous story of five friends who unwittingly became humanitarian frontline allies for Afghan families after initially assisting a former student. We will hear from journalist Danna Harman, documentary filmmaker Roni Aboulafia and humanitarian assistance expert Yotam Polizer, CEO of IsraAid who along with their colleague Charlene Seidel, head of a San Diego based foundation led the operation.
We will also listen to the personal story of one of their friends Rodaba Noori in the United Arab Emirates whose family was among the first to be rescued. They will share:
What inspired them to act in the face of horrific political upheaval, and the ensuing panic and pandemonium that ensued;
What it feels like for most Afghan refugees, preoccupied with the future while living in the in-between;
The hopes of Afghans for the future of their country and themselves.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Danna Harman
Roni Aboulafia
Documentary Filmmaker
Yotam Polizer
CEO IsraAid
Rodaba Noori
2019 Robotics Team Alumna & Refugee
Greetings By:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Feb 06 @ 12:00 EST

The Ghetto Fighters’ House: Holocaust Remembrance in Israel
In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day we invite you to virtually tour a unique Holocaust educational resource in Northern Israel.
During this webinar we will be introduced to The Ghetto Fighters’ House, which is not only the first Holocaust museum in the world but also the first of its kind to be founded by Holocaust survivors. The museum provides its visitors, both from Israel and abroad, a unique experience, going beyond the grief and horror to make evident Antek Zukerman’s declaration in the first National Gathering for Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day that took place on the Ghetto Fighters’ Kibbutz: “We came here to build homes filled with life.”
In 1995, the Yad LaYeled Children’s Memorial Museum was established at the Ghetto Fighters’ House to commemorate the memory of the Jewish children who perished during the Holocaust.
Our guide, the museum’s Director of Pedagogy, Yaron Tzur will give a virtual tour of the Hall of Camps and present one of the installations in the exhibition “Facing the Glass Booth”, which holds the booth that shielded Nazi War criminal Adolf Eichmann during his trial in Israel in 1961-1962.
The presentation and discussion will:
- instill knowledge and understanding of the events that took place during the Holocaust
- provide a deeper understanding of the human and universal meaning of the Holocaust both within and beyond Israeli society
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Madene Shachar
Educator and Guide
Yaron Tzur
Director of Pedagogy
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 30 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour: This Month @Beit Alpha and Beit She’an
This month’s virtual tour takes us north to one of the oldest cities in Israel, Beit She’an which boasts twenty-five layers of civilization and was until recently the largest archeological site in Israel.
Our tour also takes us to the northern slopes of the Gilboa Mountains to the sixth-century CE Talmudic synagogue of Beit Alpha and its famous zodiac mosaic. We will also learn about the Makuya, a group of Japanese Christian Zionists while visiting the sculpture garden they created.
During this tour we will learn about:
- The significant role Beit She’an played because of its location
- The 749BC earthquake that destroyed Beit She’an
- How the Beth Alpha synagogue was uncovered in 1928 by members of the nearby Kibbutz Hefzibah
- The two dedicatory inscriptions in Aramaic and Greek at the entryways of the synagogue
- Who were the Makuya?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Reuven Solomon
Master Tour Guide
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 23 @ 12:00 EST

Art and the WOW Effect!
We live in an age in which our thrill threshold is rising constantly. The endless search for extreme experiences also affects the art world, as immersive and interactive art events- in which the viewer takes an active part – are drawing more and more attention.
Debby Luzia, an expert on the world of art is an ex-gallerist and author of the book (in Hebrew) titled Why the Mona Lisa Lost her Smile, which analyzes the art world in the digital era, published in 2015. Debby was born into the art world, her father being the founder of Israel’s renowned Stern Gallery. She will take us on a journey through the WOW phenomenon, looking at the artists at the epicenter of the movement. In her presentation she will highlight the works of:
- Christo
- Yayoi Kusama
- Teamlab Collective and many others
Expect a WOW experience!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Debby Luzia
Artworld Expert
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Webinar Host
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 16 @ 12:00 EST

It is the time of year again when we have made New Year’s resolutions, many of which are health related.
Join us for a New Year, New You Pilates class as part of our series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv. This session will focus on the neck and knees, Becky will provide instruction for specialized moves using the wall and a mat for cushioning.
Grab your mat and towel and get ready to start this year right!
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Becky Bank Srour
Pilates Instructor
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 12 @ 12:00 EST

A Fireside Chat with Dr. Yossi Vardi & David (David) Perlmutter – From High-Tech Superstar to Social Entrepreneur
Join AIFL-Israel board member Dr. Yossi Vardi, as he hosts an intimate discussion with Israeli technology and social entrepreneur and investor David (Dadi) Perlmutter. Perlmutter an investor/director in various startups in Israel is the former Executive Vice President and Chief Product Officer of Intel responsible for developing several of Intel’s major products and technology breakthroughs.
David produced the idea of the “anytime anywhere” when he envisioned the wireless thin and light NoteBook. He imagined the more cost-effective version of them would be useful for schools and emerging markets 20 years before COVID. His life story reflects the story of a successful tech entrepreneur positively supporting society through education and championing the disenfranchised through his philanthropic work and social activities to reduce social inequality by creating social, and economic opportunities for the younger generation.
Winner of the 1987 Israel Prize for innovation in industrial development—Dadi is invested in preparing the next generation for the digital revolution. He was recently nominated to run a government/industry committee to significantly increase the Israeli high-tech workforce.
During the conversation we will learn how an Israeli boy became one of the top executives in the world’s largest chip company and discuss:
Why as part of the foundation of the startup nation from its early days, he believes Israel is still a big tech hub?
What influenced his decision to become more philanthropic and involved in social entrepreneurship?
How he made the shift from overseeing an operation of 35,000 people, to focus on education and influencing kids?
What is the future of the semiconductor industry?
Click here to learn more about and purchase David (Dadi) Perlmutter’s memoir in Hebrew Leading to Success.
Over the last 40years Dadi Perlmutter has worked on developing products and technologies while embarking on a journey of social entrepreneurship, he never thought that sharing his personal story must take the front would be relevant until now.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Jan 02 @ 12:00 EST

Bravi Tutti! – The Best Of Buchmann – Mehta School of Music
The America-Israel Friendship League invites you to join us for part two of our musical collaboration with Israel’s premier musical academy the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music. This musical celebration not only culminates our virtual programs for 2021 but helps us to ring in the new year 2022 on a high note.
The program features a selection of recent performances by the school’s representative ensembles, among others, the BMSM Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Lahav Shani, the new music director of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO).
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 29 @ 12:00 EST

Virtual Tour – This Month @Gamla
This month’s nineteenth virtual tour takes us to Gamla an ancient Jewish city on the Golan Heights and a rebel stronghold during the Great Revolt. As such, Gamla became a symbol for the modern State of Israel and an important historical and archaeological site.
Our Master Guide, Reuven Solomon will take us on a journey through time on the virtual 20-minute hike to Gamla’s ruins which are truly worth the effort to view what remains. We will visit the excavation sites which have revealed fascinating finds, including one of the world’s oldest synagogues.
Reuven will share the stories of:
• The Jewish revolt against the Romans and the battle that ensued
• The six unique coins minted by town fathers almost 2,000 years ago
• Gamla’s notoriety as the Masada of the North
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 26 @ 12:00 EST

Stitching A New Identity: Fashion In Israel’s Nation-Building
You are cordially invited to join us for a riveting presentation and discussion with noted fashion historian and curator Keren Ben-Horin, Stitching A New Identity which investigates the relationship between fashion, national identity, and diplomacy. The discussion features the State of Israel from its inception in 1948 through the present day as a case study.
Clothing is an enhancement of individuality; and a way to distinguish oneself in a crowd. The way we dress not only communicates our social identity to the world, but it can also indicates our national and regional identities.
Keren will share vibrant illustrations, photographs, videoclips, and never-before-seen archival materials. Together we will explore key moments about the designers, and political figures who shaped Israel’s foreign relations and — even more importantly — defined what it means to be Israeli.
- From biblical fantasies to innovative technologies, we will experience how a young nation forged its identity stitch by stitch and learn:
- How clothing affects the perception of identity.
- What is meant by fashion diplomacy and political messaging in fashion.
- How fashion becomes inextricably implicated in constructions and reconstructions of national and cultural identity.
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom
or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 22 @ 12:00 EST

Wonder Women In Wine: Uncorking Success – From Varietals To Vintage
Great grapes make great wine, thus great wines start in the vineyard. Yet, where and how do great wine makers start?
Join us as two successful female wine makers share their unique and inspiring stories about their passion for creating great artisan wine. Neither started out in the industry– one with farming in her blood became a successful lawyer first and the other with a design background developed a passion later for the creative process of vinification and the industry.
Theodora Lee– Owner of Theopolis Vineyards and Carmel Greenberg–Wine maker Clos du Val have both successfully created respected reputations in the industry. In an industry that is still male dominated and extremely competitive, these women have earned every success through hard work, dedication and tenacity.
- Their personal stories of what inspired them to enter the industry
- The challenges they faced and the accolades and awards they have received
- Their thoughts on creating a more diverse, inclusive, and successful wine industry
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Theodora Lee
Theo-patra Queen of the Vineyards
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom
or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 17 @ 7:37 EST

Sababa Wednesday 2021: Part 2 -Best of AIFL’s Sites, Sounds and Celebrities
Sababa Wednesday 2021: Part 2 -Best of AIFL’s Sites, Sounds and Celebrities
America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) launched its Telethon week with Sababa Sunday, and you’re invited to join us on Sababa Wednesday for the continuation of more of our best clips of 2021. Invite a friend to our virtual 50th birthday after party as we cap off a wonderful year of programming on- and off-line.
This event will feature a jam-packed hour of live and recorded segments from some of your favorite offerings from Israel, the United States and around the world this past year.
Join your co- hosts Wayne and Naomi as they share some favorite memories from hosting over 150 episodes. The program will include:
- SEASU – Finding Balance and Healing at Sea
- The Tower of David Museum – A Window into the Past, Present and Future of Jerusalem
- Mekudeshet Performances—Fueling Jerusalem as a Creative Laboratory
- The FAISR Accessibility Program – Journey to Kilimanjaro
- Highlights from the 2021 Israel Day at NASDAQ and the Partners for Democracy Award Gala Honorees
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Guest Presenter:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom
or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 15 @ 12:00 EST

Shenkar — An Historical Review: The Melting Pot Of Israeli Fashion
Fashion and identity are inextricably linked. Each of us has our unique sense of fashion, which as self-expression allows us to showcase our authenticity and individuality. Throughout history, apparel—like other self-expressive products—have inspired aesthetic professionals such as clothing designers, cosmeticians and photographers.
During this webinar we will look at Israeli fashion through the ages while straddling that line of individuality and national identity. We will look at Israel’s textile industry and the trend fusion of East meets West through the Rose Archive of the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan.
We will hear from fashion historian and Director and Curator of the Rose Archive, Tal Granovsky Amit, and learn about these iconic pieces which were donated and, in some instances, restored to their former beauty:
- Who wore these items and where?
- How do students at the college feel when they see the archive on display?
- How does the archive inspire future design and foster discussions on sustainability in fashion?
Dec 08 @ 12:00 EST

Winter Pilates
Join us for a winter warmup Pilates class as part of our series led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
This session will focus on our stance and balance using the soles of our feet. Becky will provide instruction for specialized moves using a smaller, soft ball (golf ball size is ideal), or any small bouncy ball along with a small cushion for the knees.
Grab your towel and get ready to end this year on your toes!
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Dec 05 @ 12:00 EST

Parlor Meeting with Josh Weston
You are invited to an in-person parlor meeting hosted by
America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) Board Member Josh Weston
AIFL focuses on strengthening the relationship between the people of the two countries
by increasing understanding of and appreciation for our common democratic foundations.
You can learn more about AIFL, its storied history, and its rich current activities at and across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Also, please view this short highlights clip from AIFL’s recent and exciting diverse webinar activities:
Wednesday, December 3, 2021, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
1 Manhattan West Ave, New York, NY
Josh Weston, Executive Committee and AIFL Board Member
Naomi Reinharz, Chief Development Officer, AIFL
Bashar Masri, Founder of Rawabi City
Bashar Masri is the visionary behind Rawabi, the first Palestinian planned city. The success of Rawabi is a catalyst and inspiration for many bold initiatives, bringing opportunity and progress to the Palestinian economy.
Mr. Masri launched the first private equity fund dedicated to investment in businesses operating in the Palestinian territories. Benefitting from the Siraj I Fund, dozens of Palestinian enterprises have exhibited strong growth trends and continue to create new employment opportunities for Palestinians.
Limited capacity; must be fully vaccinated and provide verification of vaccination and ID Card.
Please RSVP to Gal Zohar
347-791-6674 or
There will be a short video as well as time for mingling at the start and end of the event.
We look forward to seeing you all virtually on December 3.
Dec 03 @ 8:30 EST

A Knock At The Door: A Conversation With A POW/MIA Negotiator
We have all observed with intrigue and great fascination, hostage negotiations from the comfort of our home onscreen during popular films and television series. However, have you ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes of the real-life negotiations of this nightmare in times of war and peace, for the lives of soldiers, journalists and even humanitarian workers caught behind enemy lines?
Ory Slonim’s involvement in Israel’s intensive quiet diplomacy to determine the status of prisoners of war (POWs) and those missing in action (MIAs) spans his 30-year career. His empathy and emotional intelligence have helped him give support and build longstanding relationships with the families of the missing throughout his career.
During Ory’s conversation with his friend and colleague Ambassador Dan Gillerman, we will learn about his new book, A Knock At The Door and hear the story of his background, his career and relationships with his pro bono clients. We will also learn:
- What drove him to leave behind a highly successful legal career in service of his country and fellow man
- The meaning behind his symbolic annual salary of one single shekel
- How he became the central address and international ‘door knocker’ for these types of scenarios
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Ambassador Dan Gillerman
America-Israel Friendship League, Israel
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 28 @ 12:00 EST

Multifaith And Gratitude Replay: How Do We Give Thanks?
This year, many of us are grateful to be able to spend the holiday with loved one as we reflect on the emotional challenges and health concerns of the last year and how difficult it was at times to find things for which we should be grateful.
We will revisit the life lessons shared by the impressive panel of faith and community leaders assembled by our colleagues at the Consulate General Of Israel in Miami, who shared how they have balanced this journey with expressions of gratitude and fostered an attitude of giving thanks in those around them.
With greetings from Galit Peleg, former Interim Consul General of Israel in Miami, Florida, we’ll hear from our panelists Rabbi Rachel Greengrass, Pastor Carlos Ortiz, Father Roberto Cid, Abdool Ghanie, and Sri Sudarshan. Moderated by Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, we will listen to topics such as:
- Practical steps to take in our own communities to strengthen our ability to manifest gratitude.
- Sharing traditions of gratitude and personal expressions of giving thanks from around the world among different faiths.
- In this time of pandemic, how can we elevate the importance of thanks. Can we foster gratitude in others?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Rabbi Rachel Greengrass
Temple Beth Am
Pastor Carlos Ortiz
Hispanic Director
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Sri Sudarshan
Founder and Leader
Abdool Ghanie
Interfaith Counselor
American Muslim Alliance of South Florida
Father Roberto Cid
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Miami, FL
Opening Greetings:
Galit Peleg
Interim Consul General of Israel for Miami, FL
Rabbi Eric Greenberg
Former Director of Multifaith Cooperation
America-Israel Friendship League
Wayne L. Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 24 @ 1:00 EST

Let’s Discuss: You Will Not Play Wagner
Who is Wagner and why is he such a controversial figure in Israeli arts and culture? This subject is discussed in a new theatrical film and Zoom production produced by the Jewish Arts Collaborative adapted from the Victor Gordon play You Will Not Play Wagner.
Join us for an intimate and artistic discussion with the writer, director, and two phenomenal actors in the US and Israel whose talent allowed us to explore this cultural divide through this stimulating film that evokes thoughtful discussion about Wagner and the generational divide.
We will hear from the film’s writer Lilia Levitina who will take us through the pre-production, production, and post-production of this idea. She will be joined by the lead actors Annette Miller and Ofek Cohen whose creative genius helped breathe life into this adapted film which has now enjoyed its international premiere.
The goal of this discussion with our panel who were intimately involved in the project is to:
- Enrich moral and practical discussions in Israel and around the world about Wagner
- Showcase how the arts can help heal long standing wounds and bring people together
- Examine the influence of past on the present and the future while exploring the emotional truth and search for connection
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Lilia Levitina
Writer & Director
Annette Miller
Ofek Cohen
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Greetings by:
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 21 @ 12:00 EST

2021 Partners For Democracy Awards 50th Anniversary Gala
The Partners for Democracy Award is bestowed upon distinguished individuals and organizations who have…..
Nov 17 @ 7:00 EST

AIFL Israel Day @NASDAQ Conference: Start-Up to Global Financial Markets – 11/17/2021 @10:00AM – Noon
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Opening Remarks:
Amb. Dan Gillerman
Chairman, The Blackstone Group-Israel
& Chairman AIFL Israel
President Reuven Rivlin
10th President, State of Israel
A Fireside Chat with Guest Presenters:
Randi Zuckerberg
General Partner, Surround Ventures
Welcome Remarks:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Amb. Asaf Zamir
Consul General of Israel in NY
Amnon Neubach
Former Chairman
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Guy Franklin
Founder & CEO
Israeli Mapped in NY
Company Presentations by:
Dean Sysman
CEO & Co-Founder
Hani Goldstein
CEO & Co Founder
Michael Reitblat
CEO & Co-Founder
Eran Ben-Shushan
CEO & Co-Founder
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 17 @ 10:00 EST

Bon Appetit — A Taste of French Cuisine
A Frenchman and an Israeli walk into a bar—this sounds like the start of a culinary joke but truthfully, they are both notable chefs and one owns a Michelin and Zagat rated restaurant, Excuse My French and Arba, in New York.
Chef Johann Giraud and Chef Nir Zook are two master chefs with extensive culinary experience brought together for this program by their passion for good food and love of French cuisine. Their unique approaches and flair for creativity allows each to leave their mark through the ambience and great food they create for their clients.
What inspired their love for the culinary arts? This gift for creating a gourmet paradise from simple dishes created from fresh ingredients with herbs and sauces that create a rich smooth flavor for the epicurean appetite.
These chefs will take us on a gastronomic adventure sharing:
- Their personal stories on what inspired their love for the culinary arts
- A sample of the recipes unique to their restaurants and the quality of the meals they prepare for clients every day
- The difference between authentic French cuisine and French inspired cuisine
- Their future goals having made it to the top of their field
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Johann Giraud
Founder / Chef
“Excuse my French”
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 10 @ 12:00 EST

Seeing The Invisible- Augmented Reality Art
Have you ever thought that you would attend an art exhibition through a mobile app? Join us as we introduce you to a whole new world of immersive contemporary artwork. Seeing The Invisible, is an art exhibition initiated by the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens in partnership with Outset Contemporary Art Fund with the support of the Jerusalem Foundation, where man, nature, technology and art coexist. This produces an experience that seamlessly melds and embraces the artist’s work and the location creating unique thematic cultural journeys through each botanical garden.
Our webinar will feature snapshots of this innovative art exhibit as well as a discussion with representatives from the Jerusalem and Marie Selby Botanical Gardens–two of the twelve international botanical gardens participating in this global phenomenon. The artist and curators will share their vision as they connected the various locations with their augmented work which creates a different experience for visitors at each location allowing their imagination to flourish as they explore each exhibit.
Join us for a front row seat of this exclusive exhibition that can only be viewed as a ‘phygital’ experience at participating botanical gardens. We will learn:
- What is Augmented Reality?
- How were these experiential artworks selected for participating botanical gardens around the world?
- What inspired this marriage of horticultural exhibits to art, science and technology?
- What do they hope that viewers take away from the exhibition?
- What are the questions about art in the physical and digital realms that are at the heart of this exhibition?
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Candida Gertler, OBE
Director & Co-founder, Outset Contemporary Art Fund
Hannah Rendell
Executive Director –
Strategic Development
Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
Jennifer Rominiecki
President & CEO
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Florida
Tal Michael Haring
Virtual and Augmented Reality Expert & Curator
Hadas Maor
Contemporary Art Curator
Greetings by:
Ruby Shamir
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League (Israel)
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 07 @ 12:00 EST

Israel’s Most Vulnerable Youth–ELEM’s Advocacy During COVID
Over the last year COVID-19 has ravaged the world. Phrases such as incubation period, fatality rate and quarantine became commonplace and discussions about mental health were no longer taboo and ignored.
However, the pandemic often damaged invisible or shadow communities such as at-risk youth. The spike in the numbers of homeless youth in the US and Israel could no longer be ignored.
With increased emotional distress due to loneliness, isolation or being forced to shelter in place under dire circumstances, many were filled with anxiety and depression, facing their fears all alone. Unfortunately, classrooms were vacated in the very place where teachers previously served to recognize early signs of emotional well-being and distress.
Bridging this expanded gap created new challenges for essential organizations, such as ELEM/Youth In Distress in Israel dedicated to transforming the lives of troubled youth in Israel. During this webinar we will learn about:
- What changes ELEM has seen in the demographic they serve
- What particular needs have increased exponentially
- How they expanded their services and kept their shelters open during this crucial time
- How they continued to create a safe space for Israeli youth under such trying circumstances
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Nava Barak
Noam Nativ
Outreach Coordinator
ELEM Shelter for Homeless Young Men
Limor Bashiri
ELEM’s Outreach Van
Wayne Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Nov 03 @ 12:00 EST

Spooky Pilates
Join us this Halloween weekend as we get ready for a Spooky Pilates class, part of our monthly series, led by Becky Bank Srour from Tel Aviv.
Becky will take us trick or treating through the Pilates neighborhood using a broomstick and two tennis balls in a sock. Grab your towel and get ready to burn some calories and work off all of the Halloween candy.
Of course, no costumes are necessary, and all are welcome to enjoy this great exercise class.
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 31 @ 12:00 EST

Deconstructing The Beauty and Art in Reconstruction
The American Cancer Society predicts that this year, 43,600 women will die from breast cancer. Although there have been great strides in technology and education pertaining to earlier detection, increased availability for screening and increased awareness, as well as better treatments, women who receive the devastating diagnosis face a variety of challenges that require unwavering support, and unfathomable strength.
As we commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness month our program will introduce us to a group of doctors who are at the helm of helping Breast cancer survivors thrive and accept that there is life after cancer and beauty in acceptance of their new bodies. Breast reconstruction is meant to support and empower, with the goal of helping patients reclaim their identities after treatment.
During this webinar our panel comprised of colleagues, two doctors skilled in the art of reconstructive surgery, their collaborator, a multifaceted and visionary photographer and a patient will:
- Discuss their role in the lives of their patients
- Share how they used the Japanese art of Kintsugi as a metaphor for life in collaborative projects uniting art and science in celebration of recovery and restoration through reconstructive surgery
- Showcase the physical and emotional restoration felt by patients after mastectomy
- Share personal stories about their journey from diagnosis to recovery, and reconstruction to restoration.
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Naomi Reinharz
Chief Development Officer
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.
Oct 27 @ 12:00 EST

Bridging Divides- A Fireside Chat with Adina Bar Shalom and Dr. Yossi Vardi
Much attention is given to the diversity and heterogeneity of Israeli society as well as the multilayered divides that this often creates.
This webinar brings together two people who are exploring an inclusive Israel where difference is an asset — a 2014 Israel Prize winning Haredi female educator and social activist from a prominent Sephardic religious family, and a renowned secular male technology, social innovator and Haim Herzog award recipient for his unique contributions to Coexistence in the State of Israel.
This intimate conversation is a candid and forward-looking discussion that will explore the bridging of divides between:
- Secular and Ultra-Orthodox
- Sephardic and Ashkenazi
- Jewish and Arab
Streamed live, the program will feature:
Greetings by:
Jonathan Barsade
America-Israel Friendship League
Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.