In this webinar, we revisit the importance of showing gratitude and giving thanks in the context of our faith and community traditions, as once again we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States. 

This year, many of us are grateful to be able to spend the holiday with loved one as we reflect on the emotional challenges and health concerns of the last year and how difficult it was at times to find things for which we should be grateful.

We will revisit the life lessons shared by the impressive panel of faith and community leaders assembled by our colleagues at the Consulate General Of Israel in Miami, who shared how they have balanced this journey with expressions of gratitude and fostered an attitude of giving thanks in those around them. 

With greetings from Galit Peleg, former Interim Consul General of Israel in Miami, Florida, we’ll hear from our panelists Rabbi Rachel Greengrass, Pastor Carlos Ortiz, Father Roberto Cid, Abdool Ghanie, and Sri Sudarshan.  Moderated by Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, we will listen to topics such as:   
  • Practical steps to take in our own communities to strengthen our ability to manifest gratitude. 
  • Sharing traditions of gratitude and personal expressions of giving thanks from around the world among different faiths. 
  • In this time of pandemic, how can we elevate the importance of thanks. Can we foster gratitude in others? 

Streamed live, the program will feature:

Rabbi Rachel Greengrass
Temple Beth Am

Pastor Carlos Ortiz
Hispanic Director
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Sri Sudarshan
Founder and Leader

Abdool Ghanie
Interfaith Counselor
American Muslim Alliance of South Florida

Father Roberto Cid
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Miami, FL

Opening Greetings: 
Galit Peleg
Interim Consul General of Israel for Miami, FL

Rabbi Eric Greenberg
Former Director of Multifaith Cooperation
America-Israel Friendship League

Wayne L. Firestone
Executive Director
America-Israel Friendship League

Please share with your friends and family and register on Zoom or watch live on AIFL’s Facebook page.

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