b'GREGG PHILIPSON Gregg Philipson is a retired executive with over forty years of experience in the security software industry. He has traveled extensively working on security projects with U.S. Federal Agencies, State Law Enforcement Agencies, and Foreign Government Agencies.Gregg has assembled a large collection of Jewish related artifacts. He lectures internationally on many Jewish related subjects including the Holocaust, Propaganda Art, and Jewish Military History. The Gregg and Michelle Philipson Collection and Archive is regularly exhibited at major museums, universities, colleges, and schools, as well as U.S. military installations. PHILIPSON-HOLOCAUST EXHIBIT PHILIPSON TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITYIn 2012, Gregg was appointed by former Texas Governor Rick Perry as a Commissioner to the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission, and he continued to serve under current Governor Greg Abbott. For many years, he also served as an Advisory Board Member at the Holocaust Museum Houston. Gregg was the 2019 recipient of the Jewish War Veterans (JWV) Wolfson Award for outstanding community relations, (affiliation:Austin, TX - JWV Post 757).He is affiliated with the JWV of the United States, Hadassah, Society of Israel Philatelists, Judaica Thematic Society, American Philatelic Society, American Topical Association, and the Austin Texas Stamp Club.Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel, should be a destination that every person regardless of their background should visit. It will illuminate their lives forever.'