b'YAAKOV KOBY NAHMIAS, PhDYaakov Koby Nahmias, PhD, is an Israeli bioengineer and innovator, whose technological breakthroughs ranged from the first 3D printing of human cells to human-on-chip technologies and cost-effective manufacturing of cultured meat. Yaakov is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from the University of Minnesota and his postdoctoral training at Massachusetts General Hospital. He served as faculty member at Harvard Medical School, receiving a National Institute of Health (NIH) Career Award in 2006. Yaakov was recruited by the Hebrew University in 2010 to found and direct the Center for Bioengineering. His leadership was instrumental in raising the centers $5 million endowment and recruiting several core faculty who raised over $20 million over the past five years. He also won two prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants raising over $7 million in independent research funding. In recognition of his achievements, Yaakov won the Golda Meir Lectureship Award in 2011, the prestigious Rappaport Prize in Biomedical Research in 2014, and the Kaye Innovation Award in 2018. In 2017, he became the first scientist outside Britain to win the Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Prize for his pioneering work on liver-on-chip. Yaakov is a fellow of both the prestigious American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and the British Royal Society of Medicine (RSM). He is an editorial Board Member of the Annual Reviews for Biomedical Engineering and a long-standing member of the European Research Council LS9 Biotechnology Committee. Yaakov is the Co-Founding Director of BioDesign-Israel, an entrepreneurship program that educated over 200 fellows since 2013, launching 10 startup companies, including Guide In Medical, CardioVia and Swiftduct. He is also the founder of two biotechnology startups: Tissue Dynamics that is advancing an animal-free autonomous drug development platform, and Future Meat Technologies, the worlds fastest growing cultured meat company that is focusing on the cost-effective production of cultured meat.A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'