b'THE 1990s1991 PARTNERS FOR DEMOCRACY1999 THE AIFL LAUNCHES CITIZENSHIP AWARDTHROUGH SPORTS EXCHANGEThe America-Israel Friendship LeagueCedric and June Dempsey provided established the Partners for Democracy Awardthe foundation for building sports and to recognize individuals who have been botheducational exchanges between young champions and activists for the cause ofAmerican and Israeli athletes, coaches and democracy. It is the highest award given referees from diverse racial, religious, ethnic by the League. and socioeconomic groups. These bilateral 1994 AIFL honors its founder and presidentexchanges emphasized and encouraged the values of good citizenship, sportsmanship and by establishing the Herbert Tenzer Memorialleadership and imbued in each participant a Award. The award has also been presented to:sense of tolerance, understanding, appreciation 1994 - Sen. Robert W. Kasten, Jr. of differences, and respect for self and others.2005 - Ilana Artman, AIFLs founding Executive Vice President2005 - Malcolm Hoenlein1996 Kenneth J. Bialkin (zl) is elected as the Chairman of the National Board of AIFL and Mortimer B. Zuckerman as President.1998 AIFL and Israels Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports sponsor a nationwide essay contest honoring Israels 50th anniversary in cooperation with American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the Council of the Great City Schools.'