b'The Marcus Foundation supports Jewish causes to ensure the continuity, survival and flourishing of the Jewish people and to promote Israels democracy and self-sufficiency. Bernie is widely recognized as one of the worlds leading Jewish philanthropists. The Marcus Foundation has created and supported a wide range of faith-based organizationsfocusing efforts on youth, community, education, social services and fighting antisemitismwith an emphasis on strengthening and fostering Jewish identity. In the U.S., this has included RootOne to connect teens with Israel, Hillel International, JScreen genetic testing, the Marcus Jewish Community Center in Atlanta, Israel on Campus Coalition, and scholarships, new spaces and equipment for multiple Billi and Bernie Marcus Jewish camping facilities, among many others. That poor, young boy who put his ice cream money in tzedakah boxes grew to be a staunch supporter of Israel throughout his life. Among his many contributions to Israel, he co-founded the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI), which has become Israels premier bipartisan policy research and advocacy organization; Magen David Adom, toward the construction of its new underground blood center in Ramla to ensure the countrys blood supply remains protected and at the ready to save lives; Nefesh BNefesh, for those making Aliyah; and Start-Up Nation, connecting the vast amount of technology innovation existing in Israel to the global business community by facilitating business opportunities for fortune 500 companies to partner with startups in Israel to solve some of their toughest problems, among others. World War II, and the news of the Holocaust in particular, had a sobering effect on me. Survival of the Jewish race and religion became very important to me. Helping Israel is also very important to me. The Jews of Israel need to be protected I want to perpetuate Jewishness. The first mobile stroke ambulance, one of only six in the US, equipped with everything necessary to treat strokes as they happen in the community made possible through The Marcus Foundation'