b'connect with other like-minded people in the United States, in person or virtually, and engage in conversations and in activities to further this common interest. A soft launch of the program was initiated with the monthly mailing of an AIFL newsletter, that, like our webinar series, highlights different events and cultural aspects of Israel, including artists, authors and food.A hard launch of the program will be initiated in 2024, with the introduction of tiered membership, and different privileges associated with each level.Following is a brief description of the benefit levels:AnnualBenefits Base Will receive a displayable graphical designed card, I too, am a Friend of Israel Receive AIFL newsletters and event updates $50 Sustaining member $180 Invited to join an AIFL quarterly virtual briefing; and Receive an AIFL logo item (coffee mug one year; polo shirt the other, etc.) $720 Listed as a sponsor of a single webinar episode $ 1,800 Listed as a sponsor of one of the AIFL Webinar Series of their choice; and One ticket to the annual AIFL Gala $ 3,600 Personal AIFL staff member who will help plan their next trip to Israel, including planning an itinerary and hotel and transportation reservations; and Two tickets to the annual AIFL Gala $ 7,200 Invited to an AIFL quarterly breakfast briefing, each quarter in a different U.S. region. Listed as a sponsor at the next AIFL Gala; and Two tickets to the annual AIFL Gala $ 18,000Reception meeting with the Israeli Board of the organization in Israel; and One table at the annual AIFL GalaAN EVENING OF FRIENDSHIP AND SOLIDARITY'