b'CAPTAIN (RES.) BAR REUVEN Captain (Res.) Bar Reuven is the Co-Founder and current Vice President of Development of AFU669 (American Friends of Unit 669), the combat search and rescue unit of the Israeli Airforce. Bar continues to serve as a Reserve Combat Officer in the Unit.He is also the Co-Founder and former CEO of the Cat Association - Elite Unit 669 Alumni, whose mission is to help the Units veterans and apply their humanitarian skills to benefit and support Israeli society. He is an entrepreneur who established Mishlohof as his first start-up, a GPS-based app that enabled personal food and supplies deliveries to people on the beachfront. After its sale, Bar went on to co-found and become CEO of Dishare, an app that acts as the Spotify of food. Bar is also the Co-Founder and Co-Host of 6:6:9 PodCats. Bar has solid experience in business development and has organized many non-profit fundraising projects and international events. Until recently, he was the manager of Tel Aviv Universitys annual start-ups competition and the mentoring program manager of the Merage Institute Alumni Organization in Israel. As an Indian-Libyan man, Israel means to me the beauty of the ingathering of the exiles and how people can come together,no matter where they are from. A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'