b'REUVEN SOLOMON Reuven Solomon has been a professional tour guide in Israel for more than 25 years. He was born in Singapore, raised in Australia, and made Aliyah to Israel in 1970. Reuvens first 22 years in Israel were as a member of a kibbutz in Emek Yizrael (the Jezreel Valley), where his five children were born. From 1988 to 1991, the entire family spent three years living in Ottawa, Canada on Shlichut (Emissary Service) on behalf of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Prior to embarking as a Tour Guide, Reuven served in many different positions, as is customary in kibbutz life, with his last occupation serving as a teacher and class educator for students in their final three years of high school. A native English speaker, Reuven was the natural choice for looking after high school exchange students who would spend a short time in Israel, and as part of his job, he would show them around the country. Reuven is married with five children and nine grandchildren, all in Israel. 2022 AIFL AFRICAN AMERICAN LEADERSHIP DELEGATIONIn one word, Israel is home in the deepest sense of the word - belonging to the land where my ancestral roots are. She is mine and I am hers.A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'