b'DALIT ATRAKCHI, PhDDalit Atrakchi, PhD, is the current Secretary General, Israel Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Education, Israel, and representative of Education at the Education Policy Committee (EDPC) of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). A member of the Bureau Committee of the EDPC responsible for Ulpanim and Lifelong Learning in Israel, Dalit is also the Director, Department of External Relations and UNESCO, Ministry of Education, Israel, which Includes education for Jewish schools in the Diaspora.During her extensive career in education, she held various teaching and research positions including: National Instructor for teachers, The Israeli Ministry of Education; Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies high school teacher in Petah Tiqva; Assistant Professor at both the Open University and Tel Aviv University; and Assistant Researcher at the Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University. Dalit is an alumna of the Wexner Senior Leader Program, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University. She holds a PhD and M.A. in Middle East Studies from Bar Ilan University, Israel, and a B.A. from Tel Aviv University, Department of History of the Middle East, and Africa.She has written many publications in English and Hebrew and spoken at seminars in Israel and overseas.A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'