b"THE 2010s2010 AIFL launches its Strength Through2014 AIFL honors the Iron Dome Project, a Diversity initiative with Cornell Universityjoint project facilitated by Israeli technology Cooperative Extension, the NYC Departmentand American financing, that is responsibleof Youth and Community Development andfor saving thousands of lives in Israel.the Simon Wiesenthal NY Tolerance Center. And so, not only have we been supportive of Israel in its right to defend itself, but in very concrete termsfor example, in support of the Iron Dome program that has intercepted rockets that are firing down on Israeli citiesweve been trying to cooperate as much as we can to make sure that Israel is able to protect its citizens. President Barack Obama, August 1, 20142015 The AIFL initiates its Pastor-Educator AIFL Board Member Gol Kalav and Former ConsulSeminar program Why Israel? to reachGeneral in New York to Israel, Ido Ahroni local pastors and Christian educators, thekey opinion-makers at the grass-roots level.2011 AIFL establishes its Think Tank to explore Zionism and Judaism, with an emphasis on2016 AIFL establishes an online weekly independent and fresh thinking. AIFL Think Tanknewsletter, This Weeks 10 Secrets, highlighting excels in bringing in valuable outside perspectivesthe contemporary Israel storyits and has issued dozens of position papers. entrepreneurship, culture, medical research and environmental protection initiatives.2013 AIFL takes a leading role in countering an Israel divestment campaign led by members2017 AIFL expands its outreach to the of the Presbyterian Church. AIFL arranges aChristian community, continuing to strengthen delegation to Israel for the church's senior clergy,the relationship between the U.S. and Israel. after which the church abolished the resolutions calling for divestment at its General Assembly.YASE alumni lead AIFL at the annual Celebrate Israel Day Parade in the streets of New York City."