b'Programs And Details From 2023AIFL ConnectsIn 2023, AIFL made the commitment to enhance and rebrand its Local Area Network program to what is now the AIFL Connects outreach and engagement arm of AIFL. By way of a refresher, the Local Area Networks were networks of small groups of individuals from the same geographical location, and from a similar professional background, friendship network, and any other characteristic that might connect and create a network of individuals. Through quarterly parlor meetings of these small networks, either in person or virtually evolving around customized activities designed around the interest of each group, AIFL was creating small groups of the organization around the country, with high levels of engagement and organization involvement, enabling us to spread our message and mission across the country rather than central to one geographic area.The AIFL Connects platform is not limited to pop-up communities. We are also using it as a tool to foster post-delegation engagement, a priority now for all delegation activity. We have found that alumni of our trips are one of the best tools we have in spreading our message, as they are all incredibly impacted by what they see in Israel and are more than happy to share that impact upon their return to the U.S. with all their professional and person circles. The ongoing meetings leverage upon the groups post-trip energy and friendships to ensure long-term connectivity and engagement with AIFL and its mission.In 2022, AIFL applied this model to the Hispanic Community Leaders delegation that returned from Israel in the early summer. We reunited this group as well as the African America leaders 2022 Hispanic Leadershp Delegation delegation and the AASA school, superintendents delegation participants for a Zoom briefing with Ido Aharoni so he could provide an update on the demonstrations regularly occurring in Israel in response to the judicial reform. The number of members from all past delegations who logged into this Zoom meeting was incredible and all the participants were not only engaged with the presentation, but they were also happy to reunite with each other. This one meeting proves the success of these communities and the importance of not only the post-delegation follow-up but also the power of communitythe hallmark of the AIFL Connects platform. We will be launching pop-up communities towards the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024 in cities around the U.S. including Berkely/San Francisco areas in California; San Diego and Los Angeles; southwest Florida; Arizona; Austin, Texas; Chicago; Columbus, Ohio; Detroit; southern New Jersey; South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and the New York/northern New Jersey areas.AN EVENING OF FRIENDSHIP AND SOLIDARITY'