b'DITA YEHUDIT BRONICKI Dita Bronicki is among the first businesswomen and entrepreneurs in Israel. Together with her husband, Yehuda Bronicki, she founded the Ormat Group in 1965 and managed this multinational corporation for several decades. The couple created Ormat Industries, a world leader in geothermal energy applying unique management principles, technological and business innovation, and continuous contribution to the community.The most outstanding achievement in the community is the formation in 1970 of the Ormat Ort Vocational School. Upon its establishment, the students outnumbered the Ormat employees at that time.Since her retirement Dita has expanded her philanthropic and public activity in areas such as technical education and co-existence with the Arab society. Dita received numerous accolades and awards over the years, culminating with both her and Yehuda winning the 2018 Israel Prize for Industry.The country is now going through a difficult internal political period, but the unification of many groups in the country around the vision of a Jewish and Democratic state in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Independence (Megilat HaAzmaut) will have its remedial effect.'