b'JAMES A. LASSNERJames Jamie Lassner was born in Bogot, Colombia. He graduated with a degree in Finance and Psychology from Baruch College of the City University of New York. For 22 years post-graduation, he worked in executive positions in international commodity trading companies specializing in recycling and reclaiming metals. Jamie, a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician since 1986, was injured while volunteering during the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. His injury and the terror attack were a catalyst for him to change careers, leading him to work with adolescents in schools and as Director of Student Life at two private schools for 8 years. Since mid 2019, Jamie has been serving as Executive Director and Board Member of Accessibility Accelerator which strives to globally improve accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities and the elderly via advocacy, education, and inclusion. Each person has a superpower regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities and uniqueness. It is whats inside that matters.In its short four years, Accessibility Accelerator has accomplished much with its collaborative partner Access Israel in Hod HaSharon, including The Purple Vest Mission that started on the ground in Poland shortly after the invasion of Ukraine. As part of the Purple Vest Mission, staff and volunteers made several multiple-week trips to Poland to evacuate, triage, settle, and provide humanitarian aid to thousands of Ukrainian refugees, especially people with disabilities and the elderly and their families. Accessibility Accelerator believes that everything is accessible together. A clear example is its Universal Expedition V which just completed a nine-day fully accessible tour of Israel with residents of Chapel Haven Schleifer Center (CHSC), a residential program that strives to empower adults with social and developmental disabilities to live independent and self-determined lives. Residents of CHSC, along with their parents and caretakers, experienced the Holy Land unhindered by their personal disabilities and learned to be ambassadors for accessible travel. The first two Universal Expeditions conquered Mount Kilimanjaro, and in February 2020, the expedition, including four participants with paraplegia, was the largest group of people with disabilities to reach the Roof of Africa at 19,341 feet! The three other Expeditions included national and state parks in the United States.'