b'DANNY LACKER Danny Lacker is Head of the Water Security Emergency and Cyber Division at the Israel Water Authority.He served as Colonel in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Combat Engineering Corps and in various positions in the Home Front Command.Since his release from the IDF, Danny has managed one of the largest security companies in Israel, serving as the Security Officer of the Raanana Municipality. Danny holds a B.A. in History and Public Administration and an M.A. in Political Science and Public Administration, both from Bar-Ilan University.In times of crisis, Danny headed a number of aid delegations to countries and gained extensive experience worldwide. In 2016, he was selected by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to provide aid to the State of West Virginia during a water crisis, and in 2018, he received a special award from the Civil Service Commissioner for his work in the field.Dannys connection to the subject of water stems from many years ago as a water polo player, and he still plays in an amateur league for veterans.KAREN BRUNWASSER Karen Brunwasser is a civic activist in Jerusalem, as well as Co-Founder and the current Chief Strategy Officer of Mekudeshet, an internationally renowned culture NGO that creates original art and music to bridge divides in the city. She is among the leaders of FeelBeit, a new Israeli-Palestinian culture center on the seam line between East and West Jerusalem. Karen lectures regularly on the role of Jerusalem as a hothouse of social and cultural innovation, and leads arts and activism excursions for visitors to the city. She was a BAMAH visiting artist (a program that brings Israeli artists to American campuses) and lecturer at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she taught Art as the Vanguard of Social Change in Jerusalem. Originally from Philadelphia, she holds a B.A. in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies from New York University and an M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Islam from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'