b'SHACHAR ZAHAVIShachar Zahavis humanitarian journey began during the Rwandan genocide when he and his friends independently flew to Africa to extend aid to thousands of Rwandan family refugees who had fled the genocide into Congo. Upon returning to Israel, Shachar played a pivotal role at Latet, an NGO combating poverty and food insecurity in Israel, by establishing, developing, and leading its international aid department for six years. Under his leadership, the department responded to emergencies across more than 30 countries. Subsequently, Shachar left Latet to establish IsraAID, a global humanitarian organization which he managed as the organizations Executive Director for 16 years. His visionary leadership paved the way for IsraAID to become the largest Israeli international charity, offering comprehensive social and relief support to disaster-affected communities in over 50 countries. Under Shachars guidance, IsraAID experienced tremendous growth, expanding to a dynamic organization with over 150 dedicated employees spread across various offices worldwide. These offices in Israel, the U.S., Japan, Germany, Western and Eastern Africa, and East Asia enabled the organization to effectively reach and impact communities in need. In 2017, Shachar founded SmartAID, a unique innovative international aid agency that champions the integration of technology in humanitarian situations, leveraging the Israeli Start Up Nation vision to help communities in need. SmartAIDs mission revolves around empowering communities affected by natural disasters and conflicts through the strategic application of advanced and accessible technological solutions. Today, SmartAID is at the forefront of integrating technology into global humanitarian efforts, leveraging its expertise and resources to drive positive change and amplify impact on a global scale in over 59 countries around the world. Shachars dedication to education is evident also through his role as a Founding Board Member of STEMpower, an American charity that promotes STEM education across more than 30 African countries.'