b'ADINA BAR-SHALOM Adina Bar-Shalom, the first-born daughter of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in 1945, was raised in Jerusalem and educated in Beit Yaacov. She has three children, along with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With the permission of The Council for Higher Education in 2001, she established the Haredi College of Jerusalem. The college sparked change in the relationship of the Haredim to academics and led a process of integration and working together in Israeli society. Adina works toward the promotion and empowerment of women in Israel while also promoting the building of bridges and creating conversations between the religious and secular communities as well as between Jews and Muslims. Additionally, she deals with promoting peace talks between the nations and she lectures about these topics in Israel and the rest of world. Over the years, Adina has been involved in cultural, political, and public activities, and was a member of many organizations including the Public Council of NATAL for the treatment of trauma; the Public Council Momentum; Ashoka, a national organization for social entrepreneurship; Advancement of Education; and Yahad, the Council for Civil Consent.She was an Advisory Board Member at Mifal HaPayis and served on the Board of Directors of Yad Ben Zvi and the Center for Entrepreneurshipin Jerusalem. An educator and social activist, Adina was the 2014 recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement and Contribution to the Community and in 2012, was awarded The Knight of Quality Government by the Movement for Quality Government in Israel. Adina also lit a torch at the ceremony for the 66th Independence Day of the State of Israel.Among her many honors, she was awarded an honorary doctorate from Ben Gurion University andwas named an honorary fellow at both Herzliyah University and Rupin College. Adina was in the first graduating class in leadership from WIZO (Womens International Zionist Organization) in Jerusalem in 2001, and in 2003, participated in Ruthi Bar Shalev, an annual programfor empowerment and changing processes in the approach to personal training.'