b'YORAM YAACOVI Yoram Yaacovi was the General Manager of the Microsoft Israel Research & Development Center, one of the three Microsoft Global Development Centers, responsible for the R&D Centers in Herzliya, Haifa and Nazareth. During his tenure as General Manager from 2011-2018, Yoram developed a wide variety of products for Microsoft, established the Israeli R&D Center as a cybersecurity power at Microsoft, acquired seven companies in Israel, and founded the Microsoft Startup Accelerator, one of the first successful corporate accelerators globally. Earlier in his career Yoram served in a variety of software development roles at Microsoft in Redmond and he co-authored 23 patent applications and several IETF RFCs (Internet Engineering Task Force Request for Comments). These days Yoram is splitting his time between being a Venture Partner at the at the West Fountain Global Fund which is the global fund of Shenzhen Capital Group, the #8 fund-of-funds globally, and serving as an advisor to several Israeli and European startups in cybersecurity, digital advertising, AI, XR and enterprise software. In 2017, Yoram was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Technion, Israels Institute of Technology, where he also serves on the Advisory Board of the Computer Science department. Israel also means a wonder and pride for the modern, democratic and technology-advanced country we were able to build in theMiddle East in just 75 years.He is the Chairman of the Board of AppleSeeds, a non-profit organization that is active in promoting digital equality in Israel by developing and implementing programs in the areas of technology, employment, and life skills for underserved communities, with over 20,000 beneficiaries annually. In addition, Yoram is involved in seeking a higher engagement of Arabs, Palestinians, and Orthodox Jews in hi-tech in his role as a Director in Hasoub, an organization that is paving the way for the next generation of Arab Entrepreneurs, and in Co-Impact, the overseeing organization for creating a breakthrough in the rate of employment and quality of employment of the Arab population in Israel. Similarly, Yoram is a member of the core team of Breaking the Impasse (BTI), an organization that seeks to bring Israelis and Palestinians together with the vision of two states for two people, and is directing the hi-tech initiatives within BTI. Finally, Yoram is a Board Member in Kamatech, a non-profit organization dedicated to the inclusion of Orthodox Jews in hi-tech.'