b'DANIEL LIMOR, LT COL (RES) Daniel Limor, Lt Col (Res), was born and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay. At age 16, he went alone to Israel with Youth Aliyah and spentthree years engaged in Yeshiva studies. He attended the Bar Ilan University where he studied Political Science and International Relations. During his military service as a Paratroopers Officer, he participated in four wars (1967, 1969-70, 1973, and 1982) and was wounded twice.Daniel spent 25 years at Israels Mossad, the secret intelligence service.Among other tasks, from 1979 to 1983, he wasCommander at Mossad HQ and in the field of Operation Brothers, the clandestine Ethiopian Jews Aliyah through the Sudan. This grueling and dangerous undercover effort was the basis for a Netflix film, The Red Sea Diving Resort, which was actually the name of one of the undercover locations.Recently, he completed the mapping and researching of emerging (Judaizing) communities around the world for the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs. The land of Israel provides us with the link to the ancient Israelites thus to our ancestral (biblical) - historical past. The state of Israel has, so far, proven to be the only country that protects Jews, after almost 2000 year of exile, from the deadly danger of antisemitic persecution Crusades, Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocaust.He is a Founding Member and Chairman of the Board of Nachshon, the Israeli Educational Institute for Social Leadership and Member of the Board at Tech-Career, which provides computer training for young Israelis of Ethiopian origin. He is also the Founding Member and Member of the Board at Empowering Ethiopian Women Association and Israelis Against Racism Association. Daniel is fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, and Yiddish, and conversational in Portuguese and Arabic. He frequently lectures about Beta Israel: the relations of Ethiopian Jews with Israel and the saga of their Aliyah; the renaissance of descendants of the 10 tribes and crypto-Jews; and the search for Jewish identity.A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'