b'Bernie Marcus with the Chief Rabbi of Ramle, Israel, dedicating the Magen David Adom Marcus National Blood Services Center,May 2022In addition to his mother, Bernie counts Home Depot customers and store associates as his most important mentors. He spent most of his time on the floor of the stores talking to customers and associates, learning what was right and what was wrong. He successfully incorporated many of their thoughts into Home Depot. Even today, although Bernie retired from The Home Depot in 2002, it is the companys philosophy to listen to the customers and do good for the employees and community whenever and wherever possible.Today, Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the U.S., has annual revenues of moreMarcus Nanotechnology Research Building 2010than $157 billion, 2,300 stores, and 500,000 associates. More than the numbers, Home Depot stores have become an intricate part of the communities in which they are located. The Home Depot Bernie Marcus speaking at the Americanstory is forever intertwined with Bernies story, as it was born Friends of Magen David Adomout of his cumulative life experience and grew to embody his deeply held ideals. Tzedakah became a fundamental part of The Home Depots culture. The companys core valuestaking care of its people, giving back to its communities, and doing the right thingare a direct extension of his belief in giving back. PARTNERS FOR DEMOCRACY AWARD HONOREE'