b'OREN BLITZBLAUOren Blitzblau is a motivational speaker, speaking at various events all over Israel.He shares his personal story of how he lost his sight in a terrorist attack and went on to become the worlds fastest blind Ironman.Oren enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1994 and was recruited by the Tzanchanim, the parachute core, and continued serving in the IDF for 20 years. In 2005, Oren was severely injured in a terror attack, when a suicide bomber blew himself up right next to him.The explosion caused him to lose sight in both eyes, as well as sustain severe blast and burn injuries. Despite his severe injury, Oren continued his military service while undergoing an intense and difficult rehabilitation, and received the medal for exemplary rehabilitation from the Minister of Defense in July 2014.After the rehabilitation process, Oren began to increase his involvement in sports. As a child, he used to swim competitively, but his swimming career was interrupted when he entered the army. In 2013, as a para-triathlete, Oren finished second place in the European Championship in the blind category. He continued to cross finish lines in London, UK, Madrid, Spain and Manaus Brazil.In 2018, Oren crossed the finish line of the Iron Man (swimming, biking and running) competition in Sweden as the only blind competitor.In the years following his injury, he published a number of articles regarding terrorism, specifically about its asymmetrical aspects and low-intensity warfare. Prior to his motivational speaking he was a Fellow at the Reichman University, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and worked at Sygnia with Team8, where he lectured and led the social responsibility program.Oren holds a B.A. in Diplomacy Strategy and Political Science and an M.A. in National Security and Counter Terrorism, from Reichman University, Herzliya. A MOSAIC OF ISRAEL|75 UNSUNG HEROS'