b'DAVID MATLOW David Matlow is a lawyer at Goodmans LLP in Toronto. He owns the worlds largest private collection of Theodor Herzl memorabilia (over 6,000 items) which he has exhibited across North America, most recently in Los Angeles. He speaks regularly to schools, synagogues, and other groups about Herzl and his continued relevance. Through his Herzl Project(https://herzlcollection.com), David uses his collection to inform people about the history of the Zionist movement and the State of Israel, to inspire them to be a little like Herzl and work towards the betterment of the Jewish people and their homeland. Herzl teaches us that anything is possibleif we want it badly enough and work towards it. Herzl also reminds us that there wasnt always a Jewish State, and how fortunate we are to live at a time when there is one. The reminder comes with a warning: not to take the miracle of the Jewish State for granted.In Davids weekly Treasure Trove column in the Canadian Jewish News, he showcases one item in his collection. Together they tell the story of the yearning for, and significant work towards, the creation of the State of Israel. Seventy-five of the treasures were curated for a book published to celebrate Israels 75th birthday: 75 Treasures: Celebrating Israel at Seventy-Five (available for free download at https://herzlcollection.com/75-treasures).David is the Chair of the Ontario Jewish Archives and a Member of the Board of the iCenter for Israel Education. He is a past Chair of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto and was the Co-Chair of Torontos 2015 Campaign for the United Jewish Appeal.'