b'Over the years, AIFL has categorized the webinars it streams into ten (10) different categories:Foodwebinars that typically include chefs from Israel and the U.S. participating in a joint session, and cooking from their respective kitchens Physical Activitywebinars that include an active activity session, including Pilates, Zoomba, and Yoga. In recent months, the organization has focused these on Pilates and Zoomba, retaining the services of a highly popular Pilates teacher in Israel and a Zoomba instructor from Detroit. Artart-focused sessions, such as museum tours, art galleries, artistsMultifaithsessions with faith leaders from different denominations, typically including a member of the Israeli consulate, to encourage multi-faith dialogueVirtual tourshighly successful and popular virtual tours of different sites in Israel. This session is provided monthly by a tour guide retained by AIFLMusicanother highly popular series with different music ensembles, including the Israeli Opera, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and local music groupsAN EVENING OF FRIENDSHIP AND SOLIDARITY'